
How to make money online at 14 years of age??

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ok i joined cashcrate i dont think its working out for me how the heck do get so many refeerals ii cant get c**p any other sites outh ther that are easyer and really pay you cuz im tired of taking survays




  1. i joined cashcrate at 11 and have been workin on referals since and only have 26 active and 2000 total makeing $20 a month

    try this has great ideas in wich some have worked for me (the way to tell if its a scam or not is if they charge you money to start up, it is a scam , but if its free than its usally not a scam)

  2. Try free surveys it absolutely free to join their don't ask you no money

    check this website best lists of the free surveys

  3. This has to be the easiest way to make cash online.

    You need;

    A Paypal Account

    A Stumble Upon Account

    A Digg Account


    A Subvert and Profit Account.

    Register for all of these.

    Verify your accounts. Subvert and Profit will send you emails with the websites you need to Digg or Stumble Upon.

    How easy is that ! Once you have your accounts - all you have to do is stumble or digg the webpages. You now get up to 75 cents per page!

    WOW ! - Good easy money.

  4. Be careful about online offers - if they were really that easy, wouldn't everyone be rich? I would try selling stuff on EBay or Amazon, they are legitimate businesses. Another idea is to write an ebook and develop your own website to sell it - that way you'll be learning skills like how to develop a website, how to get a domain name, etc. Those are things that you can start to build on, and they cost about the same to do compared to most of the scams you're probably considering. The Internet seems easy, but there is lots and lots of competition.

  5. try ,

    these are my favorites

  6. The easiest way to make money online is joining-paid to-search. All you have to do is switch your homepage to theirs and you get paid every time you search.

    Since you're 14, I suppose you write blogs. Then you could try paid-to-blog sites.

  7. You can try at this website

    It is a surveys website. It is free to register, they didnt charges any fees. They paid the payment  by check or paypal. You can drawout your money when you reach the minimum payout $10. You can see the questions at faqs or forum. But see the term and condition first before you register, make sure that the job is suitable for you. Hope can help you.

  8. You can get money by uploading your files, share it and earn your money, read this information for details:

  9. I spent many a time wondering the same question ;)

    I looked through all the blogs, signing up to all the sites and came to a conclusion for the best options...

    Here are links to the 10 websites I use to make money...

    The neilnapier part is just a refferal link... it just says to the website that I got you to sign up.  To start making money first you must sign up to

    This is free and is basically where all the money is sent to, to then be sent to paypal.

    Each website gives about 15 links a day (average)... each click makes $0.01 and there are 10 links... so by the end of it you WILL make a lot of money.

    I have tested many of the sites and these seem to work the best. I have made a good deal of money out of it already.

    Hope this helps ;)

  10. There is no barrier to Age, Gender, State or even country for Teens to make awesome money in this era of Information Age.

    I understand it is time consuming to take surveys after surveys.

    Other avenue you may want to explore is to sell products on eBay.  If you do not have marketable products, you can start off by selling other people products.

    No need to have domain, hosting. But you need to generate traffic or drive people to purchase in order to be remunerated.  Getting some commission by getting referrals as what you have been doing.

    Making money require discipline and to follow proven system.

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