
How to make my blogs popular?

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I just opened a blogspot blog, and I was wondering how I could get people to read them? Is there any specific trick?




  1. for getting more traffic to your blog/site:

    try Link building and comment on other blogs

    here is some useful info about links:

    here are some usefull info for building links:

    Unconventional ways to increase your blog visibility

    8 Low Cost Offline Methods to Promote Your Website and Blog

    10 Free Ways to Increase Your Blog Traffic

    7 Ways to Promote your Site with a Bit of Money

  2. Be original - don't copy other people's work, and don't write a generic news blog. There are enough of those to feed all the needy people in the world and MORE.

    If you have the money, invest in Google AdSense. It works, and heck, it's better than nothing.

    Finally, make it look nice. Copypasta the links to your blogs everywhere you go (to your name, to the website in comments on popular blogs) and reference it as much as possible. For friends, make your personal message on AIM, Gtalk, and/or MSN your site's address for a while just to catch people's eyes.

    Oh, and A-L-W-A-Y-S U-P-D-A-T-E. Nobody likes a blog that updates once every two years.

  3. Read and comment on other people's.

    The more blogs you comment, the more people that will come read your blogs and do the same.


  4. Use Digg, Del-i-cious and Ping-o-matic to create buzz and incoming links. Write, write, write. Use photos. Make you blog something people would want to read. An example is below.

  5. It won't be popular overnight -- it takes about a year to have regular visitors who aren't related to you.

    As the guy above said, keep at it, advertise and link a little, and either pick a topic you won't digress from often or be interesting/funny.  

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