
How to make my cellphone ring on its own many times as though i have a lot of friends calling me?

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How to make my cellphone ring on its own many times as though i have a lot of friends calling me?




  1. As you probably know, how many times your phone rings does not determine how many friends you have. Although I have a lot of friends, My phone hardly ever rings. And If i know people whose phones do not ring a lot, I do not assume they have no friends. I have often been told when i have struggled through lonely phases that If i want friends,  I need to be a friend.

  2. HAHAHA, this is a funny question, The only thing i can think of is on my razr I can set up to three Alarm rings for different times.

    So set all three for different times, when one rings answer it and reset it for a different time.  Reset and repeat, I can even change the ringtones of the alarm if you do that act like one of the rings is a text message, that way you can look super cool

  3. I don't think there is such a feature. Just go out there and get friends.

  4. Well, give me your number, an i will make it ring at least 5 times per day.... haha , just joking, go out and make friends lah...

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