
How to make my child have her food interestingly?

by Guest67204  |  earlier

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How to make my child have her food interestingly?




  1. eat it..digest it ..puke..feed

  2. Well, I never really had a problem with getting my kids to eat but sometimes they would slack on the fruits and vegetables. When this happens, get them involved with everything that leads up to eating the meal. take them grocery shopping and let them pick out some fruits and vegetables....let them help to prepare it. They will be more likely to eat it if they had a part in doing all this. If this fails, get out the cheese and ketchup. Kids love broccoli when its got alot of cheese on it!

  3. I'm not sure what you mean, but I am guessing that you

    mean how to have her enjoy her food

    if she's old enough let her help you make the food

    or when you go shopping ask her to pick out certain healthy foods that she likes, and one or two snacks that

    she likes -let her know that to stay healthy you have to

    eat right

    you can also get a juicer & make healthy fruit drinks

    for her, my son is 8 yrs. old & he loves the juices

    that we make w/ our juicer we also make juice pops

    now that the weather is hot !

  4. Coat it with lots of sugar


  6. Change the look and feel of the food re engineer the stuff , make it look attractive .. so u need to present the food like pple in resturants do then may be ur child will have it if she is in a mood to have it ... it is a every day challange for a mom.... so keep it up

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