
How to make my child like to go to the kindergarten?

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Because of the working reason, I can't live together with the child, she lives together with her grandmother and spend weekend with us, but she is unwilling to go to the kindergarten now, and look forward to the weekend's arrival. so I hope to find the good method, make her like to the kindergarten.




  1. Obviously you are in a difficult situation.  Separating from your parent to go to kindergarten is difficult at best, but not living with your parent is hardest, and looking toward the weekend will then be a very natural reaction for a young child. Quality Mommy and me time when you do have time with the child is essential.  Be reassuring about school when you talk with your child, and if possible visit the school and sit in for a day. Learn several names of your child's classmates that you see they may interact with, including that of their teacher so you can have specific information to use when having discussions. Make those discussions fun, such as: I notice you and Suzie like playing in the art corner: "What do you like best painting, or coloring with crayons?" Get them involved in the conversation and encourage them to give their opinions. If they voice very negative ideas, see if they will tell you why they feel that way, and don't put down their feelings. Their feelings are very real to them, but instead try to help them find options to how to make themselves feel better.  Can they get more involved and ask a friend to play with them? Do they need to learn the words to express to their teacher perhaps how they are feeling or if they have a problem with another child? Feel them out and give them support. Then make all the positive things seem very exciting to you, and tell them you can't wait to hear what great stuff they'll do next week, when they come to visit you!! :)

    Lots of Luck!

  2. the first week, most kids cry. it is called the crying week. the second they look around silently. the third they start loving it! so find a good KG where the teacher is fun, loves kids (not necessarily a posh one). and then give the kid time.

  3. Find a good kindergarten.

  4. whenever the child is introduced to new places he/she is hesitent to join the new places due to new environment and new faces and new activities. Whenever you send your child to a kindergarten for a first few days spend the whole day with the child. aftersometime she will start feeling friendly with the environment teacher and kids and then slowly you can independently leave her to the kindergarten. She sees a security in your presence which she's afraid of leaving when you leave her. so be with her at the kindergarten for few new days and then she would love to go there on her own.

  5. maybe your child doesn`t have any friends there, or maybe the people who take care of your child is not a good person, maybe the toys are rotten, who knows, take ca visit stay for 2 3 h and see what is like...and after that decide if is good for your kid.

    Take care!


  7. Well.. tell her that youll give her some kind of treat if she goes to school every week and bes a good girl..

    THis will probally motivate her to go , and while shes at it shell prolly make new friends and actually like going. Likethe treat doesnt have to be anything big;; Even something like a a small pack of stickers and show that your proud of her could interest a child.

  8. well i'm an eight grader now but when i was in kindergarden i didn't like it either. but i found some good friends that i like to see every day so that was helpful. maybe encourage her to make some new friends. talk abut the sort of things they could play at recess yuonow the stuff kidergardeners like to play tag princess leapfrog jumprope. you get the point. i hope this helped!

  9. This is sometimes a very difficult transition for some children...especially if they have not attended a preschool program.  My first thought is you need to stay positive.  Go to the library and find books about Kindergarten to read...The Kissing Hand is a good one for children feeling concerned about school.  Mainly you need to just give her time...listen to her concerns but also be firm that going to Kindergarten is a "have to".  I find that with some children...comparing your job to your child's "job" (which is school) works very well.  Once they get past the first couple weeks to a month they will most likely be settled in and enjoying it.  Good luck!

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