
How to make my dream come true?

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i have always wanted to be a track star can i have any advice to help me fulfill this like how to train to get faster and how you become a track star?




  1. To be a "track star", you must:

    -be good in your event

    -be kind to everyone (NOT cocky)

    -be outgoing

    -don't have a big head

    -improve dramatically so that the whole team can "wow" your performance

    So my advice: train hard. When workouts get tough, imagine the feeling of being a track star. Eat healthy. Take vitamins and drink lots of water. Read online about how to improve in your event or ask your coach for tips. Good luck! =]

  2. doing hard work in ur eventand more practice.

  3. how old? I don't consider myself a star.

    Times in 8th grade

    11.31--100m electronic timer

    24.7--200m hand held

  4. It depends what type of track you want to do. Do you want to a sprint like the 100. Or a longer race like the 800, or the 1500. I run the 400, 800, 1500. Each one I have to train differently for.

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