
How to make my eyelids look smaller?

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when people look at my eyes from the front my eyelids are huge and it makes my eyes look smaller than they really are

i want to know if there is anyway i can make it look like my eyelids look smaller so my eyes look bigger?




  1. Dark colours make things look smaller and recede.  So use a lighter colour as a highlight on your browbone and a darker shade on your lid and socket area to make them recede and look smaller!

    Be careful to blend so  as not to look like you have been thumped.  Subtle colours will probably work best such as taupe and browns.  Try with a little at first and reapply more if necessary to get the desired effect.

  2. The rule is simple with make up:

    Highlight everything you want brought forward, Lowlight everything you want hidden.

    So if your eyelids need to look smaller maybe just use a dark brown shadow in the crease and bring it down your eyelid a bit but not right to the lash line. Then try a highlighting colour on your brow bone just under your eyebrows. Something with a sparkle would open your eyes upward and make them seem wider.

  3. wait, what? is there a photo? and i'm sure there are make-up tips you can use to brighten up your eye. or as my friend says, "just get surgery", she got the surgery to make her eyes bigger, by removing the so called "excess skin" and to make the fold bigger. but most likely make up is the simple solution. surgery is the drastic solution. good luck!  

  4. you get this one tool tht is like plastic and u put on it and it gets smaller. and it makes ur makeup look prettyer aroudn ur eyes

    try sallys and ask there :D

    -hope i helped.

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