
How to make my mom to see a psychologist?

by  |  earlier

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I went thru a stage in my life where I was lost and was seeing a psychologist. I also took some courses while at the Uni and can say I do understand the concepts.


I am trying to send my mom to see a pschylogist but she doesn't want. She saw him once, and concluded that she is not the "problem". I tried to convince her by example, treatening, showing care, even having the psychologist to call her. The issue is about their relationship with her husband.


What stops my mum to make the step forward to start understanfing and sovling her problem?




  1. Family intervention.  

  2. i think she is in denial about her problems. i don't know what you could do.  

  3. try working with the husband instead. unless they want to see a psyc. there is not point forcing the issue. the main point is the support. see if you can change the husband's reaction to what she says/does etc.

    good luck

  4. you can not force a person to go to a psychologist and its not good either as you wont get the responce you want. all you can do is explain that everyone at some point in thier life will need to see one and you think this point in time she needs to. every psycholigist will admit that they will see another psycholigist to be evaluated and to talk through problems. i do believe that psycholigist dealing with criminals have to do it once a year to stay sane.  maybe just talkin to her about her problems might be a better answer and if you dont have the answers tell her then she should see him.

    you could also explain that a psycholigst is just a person who evaluates what you say and gives you another point of view on the topic and explains to you why you do things.

    bottom line is you cant force someone to do it.  thisis a volentary concept and with out the choice the results will be false

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