
How to make my school school uniform look cute?

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i'm a middle school student. and i can only wear uniforms that r polo style shirt that can only be white, navy blue, forest green and burgundy. and only navy blue pants, capris, shorts, skirts, and skorts. and only solid color jackets with no logo on it.




  1. uniforms are always cute.

    don't let anyone tell you otherwise

    and maybe some ribbons in your hair, if they allow that.

    and a skort, those are the safest and the cutest.

  2. mix and match

    you're super lucky

    in middle school i had a plaid skirt, a yellow button down shirt.. no options, no change, no nothing.  

  3. i had the same problem but i didnt worry about it because i would be the only one that would look cute if i made the outfit look cute so i would look too preppy compared to everyone. so just think of it that you all look the same. but you could just mix and match different outfits and wear some exciting jewelry with it. wear a white shirt and some jewelry. it will stand out and you will stick out without looking like you are trying too hard.

  4. take the uniform off, fold it nicely and lay it on your bed.

  5. Mix ,match a try to have a different look!

    Your SO lucky @ my school we HAVE 2 wear a navy blue skirt or skort , a white golf skirt, knee high black or white socks, a sweat shirt, and to top it off black shoes!  

  6. knee socks and that navy skirt would be adorable

    but what ever you do not copy b. spears school out fit.

    also use some ribbons

    cause middle school is your last chance to be young

  7. :O Your life really sucks! But uh... Hmm... Jewelery allowed? If so maybe wood beaded necklace

  8. Maybe wristbands. Or do something with your hair. Your lucky that you can choose different kind of shirts and pants. I only have a set uniform :(

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