
How to make my web site?

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How to make my web site?




  1. There are many web hosts that offer great tools to build a website on your own. I personally use the ones at I would recommend that you take a look at several options prior to getting started. When you search, first compare feature-by-feature then dollar-for-dollar. This will ensure that you get the best fit for your needs and the most value for your money. I would also suggest that you keep your expectations in mind. What do you want your website to achieve? How will you drive traffic? Any other expectations to meet your desires.


  2. Yahoo has some easy to use tools for making a web site.  They will step you thrught he entire process.

  3. By the sounds of this broad question I would recommend using Wordpress where you can get a free blog hosted by Wordpress.  Hope that helps.

  4. hey my brothers always making these e-portfolios for his i.t work and he makes them on Microsoft Frontpage

    you'll then have to upload your site

    which im not sure how to do =s

    hope it helps =]

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