
How to make our childrens smile without given any kind of materials things?

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How to make our childrens smile without given any kind of materials things?




  1. Sometimes the best way to smile is to remember what we DO have. There is a guy who was born without arms AND legs (you can look him up on youtube) and there are millions of people who can't hear, can't see, can't walk, can't talk, have lost loved ones in accidents, were given to the orphanage as infants..........remembering what you DO have as a blessing is a great way for children of any age to smile. :)

  2. By smiling yourself.  It's amazing how often a smile is passed on.  If you are a happy and content person your children will learn to be as well.

    I definately agree with the others...hugging, reading a book, noticing something specific they have done, noting an accomplishment, taking the time and focusing on the child.

  3. -Hugs

    -Smiles to them

    -A compliment


    -Telling them a joke

    -Being with them!

  4. *A warm hug

    *A word of praise

    *"I love you"

    *Expressing an interest in thier hobbies and life

    *Spending quality time with them

    *Reading a book to them

    *Taking a walk with them

    Sometimes the greatest things are things we cannot buy.

  5. The best thing to do is give them as much love as you can,always watch them,give them comfort just like a mom would do. =]

  6. hugs, wrestling, story telling, walking, bike riding, imagining things with them, are bottomless pits for attention, and they never can have too much.....if you get down on their level and hang out with them it will put a huge smile on their face, I promise.

  7. I say her name loudly and say "who loves ya baby" if her answer isn't loud enough I say it again.  I also tell her that if I could have my pick of all the little kids in the whole wide world I would still choose her, even when she is not so good. She smiles.

  8. spend time with them doing what THEY want to do.  even if it's digging in the mud, finger painting, whatever they think is fun.  the idea is to give them yourself.

  9. Love, happiness, good friends, joy, creative activities, I can go on and on....................also, a positive and happy Mom and Dad, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, the beach, ok, I quit.

  10. you child can never get too much attention

    she/he needs loads of love ..




    hanging out with them..

    doing their favorite hobbies with them taking them to the park..

    going bike ridding with them..

    homework but make it interesting..

    go out for a pick nick if its a nice day..

  11. Quality time.

    Read with them, do homework with them, take walks together, eat breakfast and dinner together, take an interest in their lives, talk to them regularly and tell them every day that they are loved.

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