
How to make our heart talk?

by Guest33933  |  earlier

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How to make our heart talk?




  1. My wife can do it for me. She can help me get to what my heart feels when no other can.

  2. Thats a trick question...

  3. I am not really sure.....have you got any great answers I would like to know also.

  4. Dont hold back, and definetly dont think before you speak, just let it out.

  5. Plug your ears, and run a mile.

  6. Your heart? If you mean your inner being your true self then in a book I'm currently reading Osho states there are two ways via affirmitiva or via negativa,  affirmitiva is the way that Christians do it they do everything they can and try to live according to their way as best they can then once they have done all that they can possibly do then their true nature takes over. The via negativa is that of the mystic they become completely empty, having no views the small self vanishes and instantly the true nature steps in. I have used the way of the mystic and i can say for sure it works instantly but the problem with that is you don't know that its working you have to develop a higher awareness even to notice it a little.

  7. sing

  8. If I have a child, and I consistently and ruthlessly abuse him, ignore him, humiliate him, shame him and at all costs prevent him from being who he his, it won't be long before he will shut down and refuse to express himself.

    Then the question will not be, how can I make him express himself.  It will be, why don't I stop doing that to him.  Why don't I let him be who he is.  Why don't I listen to him.  And then and only then, maybe he'll start talking.  

    It's the same with hearts, because for most of us, that's what our hearts are--that abused, shut-down inner child that has never been allowed to grow up.

  9. heres the thing... U CANT U STUPID ***

  10. I think you mean.. how to express your feelings rather than your thoughts...

    one way of doing it is through art... music, poetry, paintings etc.

    hope this was the answer you were looking for.

    for those who are being mean... you guys are really ignorant. the behavior is uncalled for.  

  11. give it something to talk about

  12. Fall in love...

  13. write without thinking

  14. i don't know how to answer this

  15. Plug a speaker on it.

  16. hmmm...,Good question.

    I don't know that we an extensive knowledge in this type of bio-engineering though.  

  17. Don't think.

    (if your brain isn't doing anything your heart will)

  18. get an ipod and plug it in

  19. some say feed it beer.  but you can't count on what it will say under those conditions.

    i might suggest the we turn off the ego and listen..............

  20. Lol.


  21. Shut the **** up

  22. You stop hearing with your brain.

  23. just let me be around my grandchildren,

    and you will hear my heart sing!!!!

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