
How to make pancakes from scratch?

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i have bisquick or what ever its called but i want to make them from scratch.

any help??





    1 cup all-purpose flour

    2  tablespoon sugar

    2 teaspoons  baking powder

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    1 egg

    3/4 cup milk

    1/4 cup margarine, melted


    In a small bowl, combine the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Combine the egg, milk and margarine; stir into dry ingredients just until moistened.

    Pour batter by 1/4 cupful onto a greased hot griddle. Turn when bubbles form on top of pancakes; cook until the second side is golden brown.

    (i use half whole wheat flour and it works great)  

  2. Bisquick pancakes suck!  Make this recipe and you'll never go back to a mix again!

    The Best Buttermilk Pancakes

    1 cup Buttermilk**

    1 egg, room temp

    3 Tbsp butter, melted

    ¾ cup all purpose flour

    ½ tsp salt

    1 tsp baking soda

    Put the buttermilk, egg and melted butter in a mixing bowl. Stir briskly until the mixture is smooth and blended.

    Stir the flour, salt and baking soda together in a small bowl. Stir into the buttermilk mixture only until the dry ingredients are moistened - leave the smaller lumps.

    Heat a skillet or griddle to medium hot. Grease lightly and spoon out a 3 TBLS of batter per pancake. Cook until a few bubbles form on top and break. Flip the pancake over and cook until golden brown..not too long.

    These are the best pancakes and nothing else will compare after having these!!! Enjoy.

    Makes about 6-8 pancakes.

    **To make your own buttermilk, add 2 tsp of lemon juice or vinegar to a scant cup of milk, stir, and let sit at room temp for 15-30 min.  Stir again before adding to recipe.

  3. Hi Shannon,

    I use a simple recipe that works every time and produces delicious results.

    1 1/2 cups of flour (i normally grind whole wheat and have a 50% ratio mix of white and whole wheat mix)

    1 1/2 cups of milk

    2 eggs

    1 sachet of baking powder (approx. 10 g or two big spoons of powder)

    I mix the flour and the baking powder together

    I mix the milk and eggs together

    and then I add the milk/egg mix to flour and beat.

    You should be able to pour the mix easily when finished.

    Important observations: Don´t put too much baking powder...they won´t get fluffier for this. Also, the grill should be hot enough to have the pancakes bubble in a few seconds before flipping but not too hot to glaze the pancake. Cooking a pancake should not take you more than about a minute to minute and a half with the right temperature.

    This is the basic mix and has worked every time, every Sunday for years.

    I then add blueberry or rasberry to taste which is always excellent, and finally, always use good whole grade syrup!

  4. go to

    or just google it

  5. Hi Shannon,

    I also prefer to make them from scratch. This is a great Dutch pancake recipe (the call it pannekoek)

    Ingredient amounts will serve 6



    1 1/2 cups flour

    1 cup milk

    1 cup water

    1 egg

    2 tablespoons vegetable oil  

    1/4 teaspoon salt



    1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

    4 tablespoons sugar

    2 tablespoons butter

    1 teaspoon lemon juice




      Mix first five ingredients together until blended but still lumpy.

      Add oil to skillet over medium heat.

      When oil is hot, pour in enough batter to cover bottom of pan (about a 1/4 cup.)  

      When bottom seems done, flip and continue cooking until done.

    Pancake topping:

      As you pull each pancake from the pan, spread a small amount of topping on each pancake and fold or roll up.

    Serve immediately



  6. Buttermilk Pancakes

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