
How to make paper weapons? like a rubber band gun or something fun.. nothing deadly..?

by  |  earlier

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it would be kool to know how to make something like this.. nothing deadly please.. but maybe like a crossbow that shoots stuff..




  1. PAPER WASP: get a rubber band and the get a piece of paper and fold it to  a decent size then have a creas down the middle,then put your rubber band on you index finger and your thumb.  put the paper on the rubber band with the crease on the rubber band, oull back and let it fly, they HURT, you can event put staples or copper wire on them or try diferent methods of folding.

    rubber band gun"take a rubber band  and put it on the tip of your index finger, thenpull back and wrap it around your thumb, the put it under your pinkey with you pinkey  holding it aim and lift you pinkey up.

    IDK WAT THIS S BUT IT HURTS:take a rubber band and put it around you pinter and index like the paper wasp, the put it on something or someone and then wrap it around itself, then pull back and let go

  2. Try this

  3. need a pound of c4, a couple bottle rockets, and a lighter lol jk

    grab a straw or some small tube, insert paper and blow

  4. take a square of paper, and fold it so it has 4 wings then unfold a paper clip and pierce it through the top and it will stick to stuff and this

  5. tear out some pages of an magazine 5 or 6 not a lot old or new roll together slghtly damp it using water you can use a spray bottle or something let set for a coulple of hours or days deepending on how much you wet it then it should be pretty hard put a brown paper towel holder on the end and play sowrds with your little cousins or friends


  6. Can paper be deadly?

  7. Judging from your question, you are some middle school douchebag who's about to go back to school and plans on pissing off the teacher?

    paper airplains FTW

  8. Try the good old fashion finger and rubber band gun.

    Paper will bend under pressure.

    Use Popsicle sticks and make a T out of them.

    Like a cross with one side longer than the other.

    Then nail them together with a thumbtack or pin with the point sticking up.

    Then put a rubber band around the point, stretch, aim, and shoot.

    MY plans are really bad.

    But it worked a little bit for me.

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