
How to make parents give up on you?

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I have extremley overprotective parents, beyond belief. I just want to live my life, i'm wondering what's sorts of things would make a parent just give up on their child? I mean i've heard stories from my friends that they've just walked out of their houses(when their parents say they couldn't) and came back around 1-2am in the morning. I mean honestly what if your child just walked out? How would you stop them? I don't really think you could unless you physically held them back.

Please i've had enough of my EARLY curfews when everybody can be home around 11am or even later. I'm tired of not being able to go out whenever I want..... it's summer what ELSE am I suppose to do? I'd rather have fun i'm a very social person.

Thank you




  1. Imma keep this short, sweet, and to the point.....they just love u alot....and u are lucky to have parents that love u like that and wont give up on you...i have seen kids at mi skool actually kill them selves because their parents gave up on them or wont even tell them they love them.

  2. Join your local astronomy club.  Then you'll have a good excuse to stay out late.  Invite your parents to star parties.  After awhile, they'll see you're serious, and also, will get tired of dragging you to dark sky sites.  Once you are routinely staying out late, you can do what you want.  Which might be astronomy.

    Of course, as an amateur astronomer, if you were my kid, i'd never get tired of it.

    But your approach - getting parents to give up on you - that's not going to work.  You have to be smarter than they are.  One way to be smarter than they are is to be smarter than they are.  Watch the current Batman movie.  Study the Joker.  That's how smart you have to be. Your folks are only as smart as Batman.

  3. some parents will never give up on their child.

    they'll probably send you to a therapist or something if you try that, good luck....then if you keep acting out you'll be sent to some sort of program where you will have NO freedom.

    ALSO....if you just walk out, they might not physically hold you from going....but the police WILL physically bring your little butt back home if they report it.

  4. I would never give up on my child ever.  Parents who love their children don't give up.  Those friends you speak of have no respect for their parents or their rules.  Go against the crowd.  Be the respectful teen.  I used to think my parents were overprotective, but as I get older I see the "method to the madness" :)  They only have what is in your best interest at heart.

    Instead of walking out of the house like that, ask to meet with them.  Before you meet with them draw up a list of the rules you find over bearing and possible compromises on those rules.  Remember that you still live under their roof and their say is still final, but I will be they will be impressed that you are coming to them and want to work with them instead of against them.  Also if you give respect you earn it back.  The more you respect them, the more they will respect you in return.

    Honestly as a teen you are not to come and go as you please.  You live under their roof and you are still a minor.  You should respect them and thank them for having your best interest at heart.  

    My child would never have the chance to just walk out the door.  I wouldn't allow it unless they were 18 (a legal adult).  If they did walk out the police would be right there to find them and bring them back.  I don't give up on my kids.  I love them too much to do that.

  5. Your a child and your parents give you a place to live and food to eat, they take care of you. Any loving parent wont just give up on their child. If my kid tried to walk out the door I would hold them back and if they feel the need to walk out b/c they dont like the rules of my house then I guess they could see how living on the street is. I had really tough parents growing up. While everyone else had curfews at 17 of 1 or 2am, my curfew at latest would be 11pm, after I turned 18, my parents told me since I was an adult I was now allowed a curfew of 2am, which was awesome...even though most of my friends could stay out even later, but I stayed out of trouble, unlike my friends...I dont know how old you are but parents make rules for a reason, they dont want to see their kids hurt or even worse killed...when you're a child under 18 there is nothing you can possibly be doing after 11pm, and if you are 18, there is nothing to be doing after 2am that wont get you in trouble. I thought like you when I was a kid, but I have come to learn that my parents just wanted the best for me. So be nice to your parents and follow their rules they only set them b/c they love you

  6. Sounds like your parents love you.

    Maybe instead of asking to stay out late, you could fill your social need by volunteering or getting involved with church activities. My teen is so busy with sports, church events, and volunteering, she is ready to go to bed by 11.

    My grandma always said that "Idle hands are the devil's workshop" but my parents didn't follow her advice and I did whatever I wanted - I learned a lot of lessons the hard way.

    The more maturity you show, the more trust you will get. Do this for YOU!

  7. dont walk out on them you will just start more problems where they will think they cant trust you have you tried reasoning with them like making sure they know where you are at all times if you should go to a different place call and tell them they will be good to you if you are good to them cuz the more you disobey the more rules they are going to try and make thinking that you are getting out of control.

  8. gett the trustt from them... likee if yu have a celll calll themm to let themm knoww that ur doing good... orr likeee be respectful towards them :) showw them that ur good... orr let them knoww wheree yurr going... i can understand :P althoughh my parentss arentt soo bad... i call them or let them knoww where I go it depends on the moodd also.. butt likee parentss justt worry forr yuuu causee theyy careee.... ne waiiss good luck :)

  9. tell them that you need to make  some of your own choices. it's apart of growing up. they need to let go. because the more they pull the more you'll resist. tell them that. but if u just walk out things might get worse because they will lose all trust if they havent already lost it. tell them wats going on and that u need some of your own space. that you feel smothered.

  10. if my kids walked out on me when they had a curfew, I don't know what I would do... but I would do something that they would HATE. I would not tolerate that. My kids are young, so I don't have those answers, but I would not let it slide

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