
How to make pasta? What are the ingredients and recipe?

by Guest65242  |  earlier

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  1. it is very easy to prepare. first boil half of the container fill with water.

    and when it boils fully than put whole pasta in that cointainer . stir it well.with the pack u will get the spicy spicie with it. put that spice in that container. cover that contaner with a plate. your pasta is ready now. water , salt , and extra thing which u want to put in that container

  2. lmao. okay. ingredients:

    -pasta from a box

    -boiling water



    boil the water. add the pasta and some salt. then cook for the amount of time the box says.


    if you want to make ur own pasta. i think it's mostly flour and eggs. check out,, or for a recipe.  


  4. A classic Italian recipe for pasta dough. Experiment by adding your own flavourings and making different pasta shapes.


    140g/5oz plain flour or Italian '00' flour

    2 medium eggs, 1 whole and 1 yolk (preferably organic)


    1. Place the flour in a food processor and pulse it. Add the whole egg and egg yolk and keep whizzing until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs (it shouldn't be dusty, nor should it be a big, gooey ball). This takes 2-3 minutes.

    2. Tip out the dough and knead to form into a ball shape. Knead it briskly for 1 minute, it should be quite stiff and hard to knead. Wrap in cling film and leave to rest in a cool place for 1 hour before using.

    3. Now cut the dough into 2 pieces. For each piece, flatten with a rolling pin to about 5mm/¼ in) thickness. Fold over the dough and pass it through the pasta machine at its widest setting, refolding and rolling 7 times (not changing the setting) until you have a rectangular shape 7.5x18cm/3x7 in. It is important to work the dough until it is nice and shiny, as this gives it the "al dente" texture. Repeat with the second piece of dough.

    4. Now you are ready to roll out. Start with the pasta machine at its widest setting, pass the dough through the rollers. Do not fold but repeat this process, decreasing the roller setting down grade by grade with each pass. For most uses, I take the pasta down to the penultimate setting - especially for ravioli, as you are sandwiching two layers together when it is folded. Use straight away to make the ravioli.

    Helpful hints:

    - Always cover sitting dough with cling film or a damp tea towel to prevent it drying out.

    - Do not add oil to the cooking water. It is a fallacy that it prevents sticking and is therefore a complete waste of oil.

    - Do not dredge the pasta in flour to prevent sticking, as the flour turns to glue when cooked and, ironically, causes the pasta to stick together (using semolina flour from Italian delis instead will help).

  5. Hey , friend .

    This is quite easy !

    I`ll tell ya ..listen carefully .

    First , You should boil the water in a pot ,

    Next , You can pour the amount of pasta you want .

    Then, add some salt and you can even add flavours, cheese

    is really good ...(cheese flavour ).You can add cheese powder ,

    it`ll be more yum ....try it !

    Finally you`d it`ll get soft , then you can have it .

    I always have pasta with hot ketchup ,its garlic and chilli ketchup .

    The combination of both makes my mouth watering can try it !

    Good Luck !!!!!

  6. what type of pasta?

    Pasta with Fresh Vegetable Sauce

    A terrific make-ahead, this dish is excellent served immediately after it is prepared or it can be refrigerated and served later.


    1 pkg. (10 oz.) pasta or noodles

    Boiling salted water

    1/3 cup olive or salad oil

    2 medium tomatoes, peeled, seeded, diced

    1 bunch green onions, thinly sliced

    2 stalks celery, thinly sliced

    1 small carrot shredded

    1 green pepper, chopped

    1 small cucumber, peeled, seeded and diced

    1 small zucchini, diced

    1/4 cup chopped fresh basil or 2 Tbs. dried basil leaves

    1/2 to 1 tsp. salt

    1/8 tsp. black pepper

    Additional olive oil, optional.


    Cook pasta in salted boiling water about 6 to 8 minutes or until al dente. Drain. Rinse under cold water. Drain well.

    Place into large mixing bowl. Drizzle oil over pasta, tossing well. Transfer to wide serving dish. Sprinkle with the vegetables and basil.

    At the table, add salt, black pepper to taste and more olive oil, if used.

    Garnish with parsley and/or some green peas.

    Good served with Crusty bread and butter. If served as an accompaniment, it goes well with fish or chicken, broiled, barbecued or baked.

    To read more Pasta recipes

  7. 1 egg, 1 cup flour, little bit of water.

    pour your flour onto a clean, dry surface (cutting board would probably be best), make a "hill" or mound with the flour, and then in the center, make a well.  crack your egg and pour into the center of the well, and using your fingers, begin working the egg through the flour until you have a dough that you can begin kneading.  add water if needed a little at a time until there is no loose or dry flour.  once you have a kneadable dough, wrap in plastic and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, to let the glutens relax.  this will make the process of rolling out the dough much easier.

    once the dough has relaxed, start at the widest setting (9) on your pasta machine and roll your dough through, then go to the next one down, and so on, until you have a nice, smooth sheet of pasta dough that is the thickness you want it.  it is important to remember that when you are rolling your dough through the part that makes the noodles from your dough, you should have some flour on hand to lightly dust the noodles with to prevent them from sticking to each other.  

    when you cook them, use salted boiling water, and don't over-fill your pot with the noodles, or they will stick together or not cook properly.  the way to tell that they are done cooking, usually, is when they rise to the top of the water.  but, tasting is always the best way to tell.

    after cooking, don't rinse the noodles under water, because the sauce will, most likely, not stick to the noodles very well.  when you are ready to sauce your noodles, toss the noodles into a saute pan and add your sauce, and cook together until hot, making sure there is constant movement in the pan to prevent burning any noodles.

    hope this helps!  good luck!

  8. what type of pasta lol?


    Go there and those are the whole ingredients...yum yum!

    But wait there's more. That's just how to make the noodles but you can just buy the pasta noodles if you want.

    Add some ground beef...tomato sauce....herbs....and boling water in a pot and wah lah!!! If you want more flavor add hot sauce and spices such as pepper, garlic salt, and seasoning salt with regular salt!

  10. boil water, add desired amount of pasta, add salt, let cook until soft  

  11. There are SOOOOO many yummy ways to make pasta! My easy way (the only way i know how lol) is just boiling noodles (any kind - mmmm angle hair) for about a half an hour and then draining the pot so all you have is sticky wet noodles and then puting it on the stove again and turn it on low and dump in your sauce and stir, let it sit for about 5 min and then your done! :D It really all comes down to the sauce though! Meat sauce is the best.. i have no idea how to make it though.. thats why there are mommies! :D

  12. cut vegies in small pieces boil & Strain pastas & stir fry them together in a pan add origano chilli flaks & tomato sauce, pastas in red sauce are readdy.

  13. Buy some pasta, cook it. Buy tomato sauce put some spices and herb to it. Bam done.

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