
How to make people take this seriously?

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My son was released from prison in Jan of 08. He went to a halfway house and on May 14th of 08 he disappeared.

I was told by his parole officer that he may not have ran.. so I filed a missing person report on him. Plus there is a warrant for him now too.

He is 19 and as far as I know he is lost in a huge city. He is not used to huge cities.. he is from a small town and then in prison.

I cannot get a lot of law enforcement agencies to take me seriously.

Sure this might be a case of he just got a wild hair and decided to run. But as a mom ... I don't think that was the case. That's why he was in prison... he has never run from anything. He served his time for a crime he didn't commit. I know he didn't do it, but the judge couldn't prove it nor could he disprove it.

Anyway, I have him listed on several missing persons sites online and a state wide missing person report has been filed and is updated often if need be.

I am running into cops and other law officials that say " Ma'am, he is a young punk that is running and if he is happy on the streets then wait until he contacts you and then we will go get him." or " We aren't wasting our time,,, when he is picked up on the warrant We will let you know."

I don't know what else to do. I can't get the highway patrol to do the DNA thing even though they are sposed to.

He may be an excon but he is a kid still and missing. What do I do??

I have no money to hire a Private Detective and I don't know how to get anyone off their asses to find my kid. Or even help me by giving this case the time of day.


The parole officer is no help either... he already said that he is not looking for my son. And my son doesn't know my new phone number nor my new address... he left the day that those things were put in his mailbox. He knows no way to get ahold of me.

I was also advised by a missing person investigator not to hang flyers due to him possibly seeing them and running further.

What do I do?? What can I do? I am low income and have no car. Help me please!!




  1. Just let other people do the work, if you are desperate use the bus or something to get around the city to look for your son?

  2. He is probably living with friends doing meth and committing some small crime so he can eat and buy drugs. I am not trying to be mean but from what you said he probably does not have a job or home. What can you do??? What do you want to police to do? They only look for kids when they are missing. What do you want to happen? I under stand what you are going through. I am very sorry for you. I bet you think about him all day.  Try not to worry so much it will only make you ill. One day you will find him. From my calculation not more than 5 months you will here from him.  

  3. My brother is this way - my mom had a hard time worry about him all her life.

    Call all of the homeless shelters.

    Is there anyone you know that he hangs around? Find them and ask them where he might be. Tell them a family emergency happened that he needs to know about.

    Take the bus around and look for him.

    BECOME a private investigator mom!

    Pray to Jesus to bring him to you! (I'm not religious but I pray to JEsus sometimes and he is quick to answer!)

    Once you do find him get him into therapy - they have low income therapy that they base on sliding fee scale - this will help him tremendously and could save his future.

    PS If you message me his name and age and what city I can look for you on certain places online if you want - I'm great at searching for people....because my brother always ends up on the streets and I have to find him myself!!!

  4. If your son actually wanted to get in contact with you, then having flyers with a contact number (like one of those 800 numbers or something because I wouldn't put my personal contact information on a flyer that anyone could read) is a good idea.  If your son doesn't want to contact you, putting out flyers isn't going to force him to do it.  Also, your son is technically an adult and ex-con or not, it is his right to leave you and never come back if that is his desire.  Since you have no proof that he wanted to contact you at all, or that he was going to come home, they don't have to assume that he was kidnapped, they can assume that he just left of his own free will (so they don't have to look for him).  You may want to believe that your son was innocent of whatever caused him to be put in prison, but that's what all parents want.  Regardless, prison is a lot harder to deal with than a big city.  If your son wants to be out there, he will probably be fine (if he isn't doing drugs, drinking, or doing other illegal things).  Bottom line, there isn't much you can do.  You report him missing, but as a 19 year old, they can't do as much to help since he could have left on his own and they don't have any evidence to suggest otherwise.  Keep your spirits up and keep praying.  Keep working with the law enforcement agencies, and don't lose hope.  Good luck.

  5. Con or no con, they are supposed to take missing reports seriously and they should be looking for him for skipping parole. He is not a kid, he is an adult.  

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