
How to make safe fun bombs at home?

by  |  earlier

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Im looking for a little extra fun at night something with a loud pop and alot of glow. anyway i can make this happen with things around the house?




  1. Erm can do It all except the glow unless you put a torch in the mix when I put a star in my words (*).

    Get a good old bottle of cola shake it put it in a beaker (must be burstable) pour your cola in to the beaker * add one mint or more (I suddegest an treebor x*x). seal and run asap unless you want to get soaked in cola.

    and watch as cola spews every where.

  2. safe=homemade=house not cool

  3. Safe + Bomb + Homemade = No fun.

    Take my advice kid before you blow yourself up and get a cap gun instead.

  4. Haha.. Safe bombs? thats an oxymoron.. But for fun bombs, Go with baking soda and vinegar. Put the vinegar in a pop bottle, (plastic.. Less shrapnel damage) put the baking soda on a tissue and fold it up well.. Put it in the bottle cap it and toss it.. You can always gets a glowstick, chem light, ect.. activate it, cut it open and pour the glowing gel in the vinegar. When it explodes it will send the glowing juice every where.. Or.. If your willing to spend a little money go to a military depot and but an MRE. Take the heating element and stuff it into a pop bottle with some water and cap it.. HUGE sound.. Somthing fun to do with that is to pour in hot sauce instead of water.. Put a hole in the cap before you start.. Then toss it into a porta-potty. It works well as a stink/tear gas bomb, be carefull though.. And when making the MRE bombs dont drown the heater.. just about an inch of water is enough.

    Have fun and be carefull!

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