
How to make saltwater?

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I have a couple of fishes at home that needs fresh water. Fishes like Blue regel tang, clown fish, etc. I know you just need to add salt, but how much?

Please help!




  1. Umm i'd say about 1 teaspoon cause if there's too much, the fish would die. Well thats what we did with mine anyway :)

  2. U cant just add salt to the water. First you need a specific type a salt which you can buy at the fish store. Then you got to let it sit through a water cycle in which ph levels goes crazy and all bacteria levels out so it can support life, this takes a while. Dont forget to measure the amount of salt the fish need in the water.  

  3. Next time, do your research before you buy fish.. and have EVERYTHING set up before you actually buy them.

    The fish you mentioned are not freshwater fish at all. They are marine fish.. Which means you will need marine salt.. Not just normal salt, but marine salt. You cant just add normal salt to water. That can harm your fish, and kill them in the long run. Its not the salt they need, so just take your fish back to the store, since you dont have everything that they need.

    Saltwater fish are hard to care for, and even harder to keep their tank properly maintained. Take them back, and get some tropical fish, or some goldfish.. But do your research first.

    Sorry to be rude, Its just the truth. You need to do research before getting fish. Its the same as if you're getting a dog or cat, fish need the same kind of care they do. But people insist that fish arent like cats or dogs. But its better to care for them as if they are.

    fish keeping is rewarding, and relaxing. If you take care of your fish, they will be happy, and live longer lives. In the long run, it will make you realise how good fish keeping really is. Heck, your fish might even play with you sometimes.. Its all about trust.. Yes, fish are capable of trusting people, and recognising.believe it or not.  

  4. just take your bowl to the pet shop and ask them to help you out, its their job to help you
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