
How to make school go by faster?

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i'm in 8thgrade and i hate it i just it the year to be over how to mke the days go by faster




  1. switch your classes to the ones you like and rearrange your schedule... or try to start liking school and then it will go by faster

  2. If it's really bothering you, I would consider changing schools (especially if it's effecting your grades), most people don't like schools anyways, but if a different school is better, it will make the time go by a lot faster. hope this helps.

  3. ok think of it this way

    the summer went by fast right (because it was fun)

    same with school if you look at it this way

    don't have fun in school, "make" fun of school

    do a bunch of pranks and just kick ***!!!

  4. Listen to your iPod all day


  5. have the most fun you think you will ever have. go out with ur friends, meet new people, try new things like sports and stuff, ANYTHING!!

    this is the year before high school, high school is gonna be one of the hardest things you will have to do. have fun.

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