
How to make sure you're not too friendly around a guy..?

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I think I flirt subconsciously with a lot of guys, but I don't mean to. I'm just trying to be friendly, and when I concentrate on making sure a guy knows I only like him as a friend I end up not talking much, acting serious, etc.

I smile and laugh a lot, and I think thats why people think I'm flirting.. how can I still be myself while making sure a guy knows I only like him as a friend?




  1. omg, i have the same problems

    just carry on being friendly but reject any "moves" with dignity but firmness so they know u want nothing more,

    you may end up with some great friends.

  2. don't touch them in any way, and when you hang out, make sure it's as friends.

    some guys over think everything. maybe just tone it down a little, but you seem like you're doing fine. if a guy thinks you're flirting, that's his problem :]

    good luck!

    answer mine?

  3. First get flirt and not subconsciously or you would not say that. You have an intention . Distinguish your intention, not a bad thing, and you will be who you really are and you will not give off bad information.

  4. Please when you get the answer let me know because I'm having the same problem myself.

  5. Listen, guys can look after themselves. If they are reading too much into in it's there problem, if they try and kiss you say sorry but no. If it doesn't get to that stage you have nothing to worry about! I have loads of guy friends i flirt with, and they know i'm a bit of a flirt so it doesn't bother them.  

  6. The best way to be friendly, but no more than that, with a guy is to behave a bit on the conservative side while going about your fun.  Ways to do that include giving the guy his personal space, watching how you dress, and paying attention to your makeup.  Wearing too short of a skirt, for instance, can make you look like a flirt.  Also, don't be afraid to set boundaries and stick to them.  Some men out there will interpret ANY attention they get from a woman as a come-on, and you will have to be firm with them to put them in their place.  

  7. I would say that a little flirting is not a bad thing.  I don't think just because you flirt with a guy that he will necessarily think you like him.  You can tell when a guy thinks you like them, at that point i would back off a little. But flirting is just a humane nature.  The point is to make sure you don't go past flirting. Guys are big boys and can take care of themselves also.  Even if you don't flirt with a guy he will think you like them, that's just guys. lol. Don't worry about, have fun but don't go past the limit of just flirting.

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