
How to make sure you have twins?

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I Have been with my hubby for three years, and we have finally decieded to have a baby and i have always wanted twins, i grew up baby sitting twins and i loved it. and all i want to know there any way that it would up my chances of having twins? or a girl?




  1. The only way I know of is to take fertility drugs b/c that can really up your chances of having more than one child, but be careful, b/c you can have a lot more than 2. If you've ever seen that show "John and Kate Plus 8" you'll know what I mean.

  2. As far as having a girl or boy, the sperm determines the s*x.  Eggs only have the X chromosome, so it depends on whether and X or a Y sperm fertilizes the egg whether you get a girl (XX) or a boy (XY).  There are theories that you can increase your chances of a boy or girl by doing certain things.  Girl sperm is said to survive longer, so having s*x a day or two before ovulation helps if you want a girl.  And boy sperm die faster, so having s*x on ovulation day or the day after helps if you want a boy.  I've also read on webMD that certain positions are better for boy vs girl (doggy for a boy, missionary for a girl), but I don't really put much stock in that.

    If twins do not run in either family, your chances of having twins naturally are pretty slim.  Fertility drugs can cause a woman to release more than one egg.  Or having IVF where the doctor "havests" several eggs and fertilizes them with your Hubby's sperm in a lab then implants them in your uterus.  But with both of these you run the risk of having more than 1 or 2.  You'd have to be prepared for the possibility of 3, 4, even 5 or more.  I would definately talk to your doctor before you start trying.

    Best of luck!  And Baby dust to you and your hubby!

  3. No there is No way.



    The guy is the Dominit person.

    He is the one that usually chooses.

    Well i guess you could say his sperm does.


  4. Try infertilization.  Might be spelled wrong.  Not sure.

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