
How to make the basketball team this year?

by  |  earlier

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last year i shoul've played for the freshmen but i went out for it but i ddint try. there were like 40 people. the coach only pick 17. didn't even look at me. i just felt bad

im 6 feet tall, and everybody's always expecting me to play basketball.

i do wanna play, but i don't like to play in front of people better than me. i barely practice.

so what can i expect. there's gonna be a lot of seniors and juniors and you know.

i should've tried out for football this year, but i have one thing that's preventing me play any sport. that's because i don't play any but would like too.

what can i expect for varsity tryouts. i don't wanna chicken out and play because people dunkin over me.

how can i improve. as i said i barely practice. help me out. im already athletic but i just dont try at anything. please tell me what should i practice on and all that. im 15, 6,0ft, in the 10th grade. tryouts are like nnext month. and i bet there's gonna be like 100 people. why do so many people wanna try out.




  1. Practice everyda for next month ... if your 6th you will most likely play pointguard so work on you handling and passing ...

    Why so many People wanna try out ? High Shcool>College>NBA

    it's the First Step to become NBA player .. NBA player = Good Life

  2. first you dont want to much musle and power. if your 6 feet work on your low post, blocking, and rebounds. wach clips on youtube like watch a lot of KG, elton brand, jermaine o'neal, and favorite Tim Duncan. They have the best posts in the nba. To increase your rebound and blocking you will need to know how to jump high. work on your legs and dont use too much weights. Its all about the control you have on the ball. Plus you want to go aggressive bump into people and dont look weak. Just go out and practice everyday practicing will also improve your stamina. Every day its good to do a little running. Good Luck on thr tryout.

  3. You pretty much stated all the reasons why you weren't considered last year. Start running a lot and get yourself conditioned. That's the first step. You can't play basketball if you can't run. Second, 80 pounds is really weak so start doing pushups to get a stronger torso. Then start benching and working out at a gym. Third, PRACTICE. If you don't practice, your game will be rusty and you won't have any game. You state that you don't exercise, don't workout, and don't practice so unless you start doing those things, you don't have a shot at making any team. You definitely have the body of a point guard. 6 ft 170 is a good height for a sophomore. Don't waste your gift and put some commitment into it because nothing comes easy

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