
How to make the tennis team next year?

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I am 15 years old with not much experience playing tennis. I can return the ball to the other side of the court pretty well, but thats about it. What excersiing should i do? Should I try and get lessons. How much running should I do?




  1. Yeah you'll definitely want to start off with lessons. It's much easier to learn the fundamentals and apply them to your game rather than trying to unlearn all your bad habits years later.

    Really starting off you should focus on getting the fundamentals down. You strive to make your strokes as mechanical as possible. Meaning you've practiced them so many times you don't have to Think about what you're doing so much. Confidence and consistency in tennis come from repetition and muscle memory. So practice practice practice.

    Exercising should consist of a combination of distance running for stamina and sprint sessions for power. The entire sport of tennis is played in sprints. You need the power to chase down balls but the endurance to continue it four the whole match.

    Research some different sprinting drills you can do. Also make sure you are using proper warm-up and cool-down techniques. Understand the difference between Dynamic stretching and Static stretching. You should be doing both before and after training. Take care.

  2. the thing about tennis is that you can be able to hit the ball back as hard as the pros, but it dosen't matter if u can't do it at least 9 out of 10 times. So i would really work on consistency if i were you. Jsut runnign isn't the best thign to do, when i get my endurance workout in i normally go to a track and jog a curve adn run a straight away and then jog the first half of the curve and then walk the second half and run the final straight away. Do that untill you can do 2 miles of that where u sprint the straight aways as fast as u can

  3. I'd say get lessons. That's probably the best thing you can do for training. For tennis, you just need a quick burst of energy. So, try to do some sprints.

  4. noob!!

  5. U should deffanatly get lessons, and practising side steps and running on a tredmill would be perfect because ur gonna be doing a lot of running. Cheers x*x Gordo x*x

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