
How to make this into a Science Fair Project Question?

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My Nursery/Orchard Teacher gave me a fern and told me to do my science fair over it and I would win. I don't have any clue on how to make one fern into a good science fair question. It isn't much of a fern I think that is the main reason he gave it to me, but I figured I could take care of it and help it grow and keep taking pictures every so often. Does anyone know a good question for me? Thank you so much for your help.




  1. There is not a lot you can do with just one fern. You could monitor its growth, measuring it every certain number of days and drawing up a table and graph to show how it has grown. Of course this will only work if you fern is growing right now. I would reccomend getting another fern of the same species and size, and testing a question like, 'does this kind of fern grow better in bright sun or in shade' by putting one in each and taking regular photos to show changes. You could also test different fertilizers, different amounts of water, or putting one under a light at night. If you can't get hold of another fern, try asking your nursery/orchard teacher to help you come up with a one-fern question.

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