
How to make this self transformation spell stronger?

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1 : hold an apple in ur hand

2: consider who u want to be or who u turly are .

3: take a long as you need but don't put down that apple .

4: when u are ready , line up a mirror , a yellow candle and that apple

5: gaze into that mirrow while that candle burns

6: after the candle burn , consider whether u still desire this transformation.

7:if so , eat the apple

- I got this spell from the book the element encyclopedia of 5000 spells.

- I want to get taller .and thats all i desire right now and wanted to get tall for a long time now .

- I just into spells . it has been 6 months now .

- how can i make is spell work





i'am starting in 10th grade and this summer after seeing how tall everbody got and scared that i'am going be the short one among my friends . I have school this monday . I BELIVE in magic so i hope this works within this short time .




  1. man ur a fuccin dumb@SS

  2. Eat re-fried beans....some cheese...some cabbage...that'll work

  3. I do not want ot demean your beliefs. However, if you were a Christian who was praying to get taller, I would say that your being taller did not fit into God's plan. Maybe he wanted you to wait to learn patience or compassion. Or maybe, he simply intended you to be shorter than average. Perhaps the power that you are trying to reach , feels this way.  

  4. Sweetie, I think you're missunderstanding the purpose of the spell.  Self transformation is not something having to do with your physical characteristics.  A spell like this is designed to see you through an inner change.  A witch does a spell like this for reasons like becoming a better person to those around them or quitting something like smoking.  It is for a life transformation, not a physical one.

    I'm sorry but this kind of spell won't make you taller.  Magic is powerful, but it works with energies and non-physical substances around us.  Spells can't make you taller.  

    If you are religious, pray to your deity and ask to see if they will help make you taller.  If not, it may be that you are being made shorter on purpose to help you with confident in your self image.  If you don't grow to the height you desire, do this same spell but this time, while the candle burns, ask yourself if you want to be someone who desires something he can't have, of if you will be one who embrasses what he has.

    I wish I could be more help ,sweetie.  Good luck in your craft.

    Blessed be )o(

    EDIT: I just re-read your question and realized you never expressed what your gender is.  I'm sorry if calling you a "he" was wrong.

  5. This sounds interesting. I would try the moon's phases  If an increase during waxing or if a decrease try waning.  

    Blessed Be  

  6. First, regarding your asking if you should change the spell by rearranging or removing or adding tools like the candle, the mirror, the apple - this shows that you do not yet understand the mechanics of spells.  These tools are just that - tools - they help you to focus your energy.  It is the *energy* that you raise, direct, and release toward your goal which actually makes the spell work.  The more energy you raise and the better you are able to direct it, the more effective your spell will be.

    However, in this case, I must agree with Shyra.  You are misunderstanding the reason for this spell, and it will not make you taller, no matter how you change it around.  Transformation in this case means internal transformation, not physical.  

    What you could do with this spell is to use it to aid you in transforming the way you perceive yourself.  To be confident and happy with who you are, regardless of your physical appearance, and to allow that confidence and inner-happiness to shine through you for others to see.

    If you are not happy with yourself, it will be more difficult for others around you to accept you for who you are.  If you are happy with yourself and this shows through - then others around you will not focus on, and may not even notice your height difference.

    In your continued study of magic, I would recommend this book to help you learn working with the energy that is the driving force behind any effective spell.


  7. oh, for the love of- dude, it doesn't work that way. i cant believe you fell for that. im not close minded fool, ive been around a lot of this stuff, and there is only one form of magic that can transform you, and that isnt it.

  8. Add salt if you want it stronger.

  9. you forgot your magic wand, duh...

    trying doing in naked during the full moon as well, maybe with an open harry potter book next to your bed in the shadow of a large picture of gandalf.

  10. You should be learning now, not trying to change yourself physically.  The first lesson is self-respect.  How can you ask to change something that is not fully developed yet, you are entering the 10th grade your body is still growing.  

    Please before you continue with this gain the knowledge first, 6 months is not enough experience.  Belief is great and all, but with knowledge comes skill.  Rethink going forward with this, read more, look at the positive attributes you hold.  Every person has something about them that they wish to change, but you must learn to love and respect yourself even the flaws first.

  11. Hope this helps. :)


    Firstly this is only one, well several people’s opinions about magick. I would advice everyone that when learning magick that you learn everything you can and find out what works best for you. Read as much as you can from other sources and not take any one persons view as fact. There are many books and web pages/sites available all you need to do is look.

    Secondly you must understand, witchcraft is merely the use of spells and rituals to help alter the world to suit your needs. Witchcraft is not a religion. You can be any religion and still use witchcraft, even though there are a few religions out there that would frown upon its use.

    Thirdly, magick is a practice that requires being level headed. For this reason, and many others, it is wise to meditate before doing any spells. In fact, it's smart to meditate on a regular basis. It will increase your calmness, and focus, in most aspects of your life. It can also help you gain energy.

    Finally magick won’t make all your problems disappear in a puff of smoke. (Like on TV shows) You will for most spells need to put a bit of physical effort into it as well.

    With all of that being said, here are a few pointers. :D

    Choose a spell that you want to do. Then do the following.


    Choose a position that is comfortable, most people like to sit down, with their legs crossed, with their back straight up and down. You can also sit on a straight backed chair with feet flat on the floor with your arms comfortably on your lap. Some choose to lie down but if you get too comfortable you will end up asleep. :D

    Next you should close your eyes and try, in whatever way works best, to clear your mind.

    Some people focus on the dark space behind their eyelids, and just focusing on it until all other thoughts in the mind subside. Others like myself, go through and relax all areas of the body then focus on breathing in and out. When a random thought enters acknowledge it then let it go, then return to the breathing.

    Once you get to the state where all your thoughts have cleared, and your mind is quiet (ex; you aren’t thinking of random things anymore) you can do many things:

    Preparing a spell

    Think about what it is you want to achieve and how you are going to go about it, what you are going to use. Visualise your spell working, see the final outcome. Become confident that it will work.


    Is a good way of removing any negative energies, thoughts or anger you may have. These can hinder your spell working. To do this imagine that you are a tree; see your feet(if standing) or the base of your spine (if sitting) growing down into the ground becoming roots spreading out below you, reaching deep into the earth. Now, visualize your excess energy, your un-needed thoughts, your anger, whatever you want to get rid of, flowing out of yourself, down through the roots, and dispersing into the earth.

    Gaining extra energy

    There are a few ways to do this one is to visualize a space that you like, a forest, a stream, or any setting you like, and see yourself pulling energy from your surroundings. Perhaps imagine the energy as glowing light particles, floating around your area, and they pull towards you or you go around and collect them. It works best if you choose to visually pull the energy from a clear elemental source, like pulling energy from trees, from a fire, from the wind, a stream, or the sun/moon.

    This works for some and not for others, it depends on if you are a visual person or not I suppose.

    Or you can follow the grounding technique but instead of sending into the earth draw the energy up and into your body.

    After meditating, follow the instructions of the spell.

    One thing that needs to be understood about spell casting is that it’s largely about YOU. Yes, you, the caster. It doesn't matter if the spell is one line long or ten pages, it doesn't matter if you use every herb in the book and ten thousand candles:

    If you do not believe the spell will work, it won’t.

    So doing a spell is easy, but what a lot of people don’t understand is that just reading the words off a page isn’t enough. The words by themselves don’t mean anything unless they have meaning to you. It also needs energy.

    When casting your spell, send all of the energy you have raised into it with the purpose of completing your goals. This is an extremely simple explanation; for starters you can try one of these methods.

    When doing your spell, you should imagine yourself to be full of light, (any colour that you feel is right for the spell). This is the energy for the spell. As you cast the spell, you are giving that energy a purpose; you are sending that energy to complete it. Once you have finished chanting and etc, and the purpose is really solid in your mind and in the energy, you should imagine it flowing out through your fingertips or palms of your hands to complete its business.

    Some people simply focus on their intent and spell and then send their energy off. They don’t have to go through the visualization.

    Others like to put this energy in to a psi ball putting the images and feeling into it, then releasing it to do its thing.

    If you want to add extra energy and focus to your spell there are many tools you can use, candles, incense, herbs, oils, crystals, chants and spells that rhyme to name a few.

    From some of them you can draw the energy (crystals) and others can be used in a ritualistic way (burning incense to help cleanse things). It’s up to you if you want to include them or not.

    If you are missing some ingredients for a spell don’t worry as long as you believe it will work then it will. Spells can be cast without any tools.

    If there is no spell for what want make your own. They tend to have more power as you have put more of your energy into making them. :D


    Good luck!  

  12. You are delving into some dark stuff. I'd rethink your actions.

  13. I really want to get into this stuff you are talking about,

    do you have know any books I could read?

  14. Self transformation is dangerous, more specifically if you are not Wiccan. You shouldn't do anything like this at all, just remember, three fold.  

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