
How to make tidying my room go faster?

by  |  earlier

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in bedroom, it literally looks like a bomb as gone off. it's really badly messy. how do you suggest managing to tidy it in one day and make it go quicker?




  1. do it to some really funky music and get your friends round to help you

  2. you could act like your playing a game and listen to music

  3. Fast forward yourself

  4. Music... but set yourself a time....  as soon as one song comes on.. you have till the end of the song to get as much done as you possibly can...get rid of 30 things in that space of time!

    Have 2 for charity, one for the bin... &  fill as much as you can without thinking about it..... if you have used it/worn it in the last 6 month.. get rid of it!

  5. music! and have something tasty to treat yourself with at the end of it!

    and the satisfaction of the relief of getting it done will lead you to a proud feeling once completed!

  6. drink heaps of red cordial or coffee and hit the music up; throw on an old pair of clothes because you are going to sweat!

    Just chuck anything c**p out; and store anything you havn't used or don't intend to use in the next 6 months in a box under the house.

  7. sing or put on music or do it with a friend!

  8. Grow up and throw away your toys, posters, bad fitting clothes, trash.

    Basically only keep want you *need* for a bedroom:

    -bed for sleeping

    -desk and bookcase for studying

    -drawers and closet are for clothes only

    Your bedroom isn't a place to assert your individuality; however, you could have maybe have one small thing that is functional *and* you a guitar or stereo.

    The point is to look at what your bedroom is for. It is not your fortress of solitude. It is not a big trash bin. It is not for entertaining yourself and your friends.

    It's just a bedroom. It's where you sleep and where you study. That's it.

    Most kids want to be grown up yet they are really powerless over most of their life. So this is a great way to both treat themselves like a grown up and be in control. Most likely your parents (and the opposite s*x) will notice and respond favorably.

  9. Put all the clothes in the dirty clothes, then you'll have more space to work with.

    Chuck out all your rubbish and little knick-knacks that you don't need.

    Make your bed.


  10. First why would you wait till it got this messy? When my girls were younger and I had to work and sometimes their rooms were get out of control, I would start by piling everything on the bed and then work putting everything away from their. Good luck , it sounds like you be working all day.

  11. if it was me, i'd firstly completely forget about having to do anything else. then i'd get some black bags and start with what could be thrown away and then get similar things into piles and try to find a space for them. also stick some music on

  12. put on some happy music, it makes you wanna get jump and dance around as you are tidying, and you feel good about it, not as though it is a chore .

    Lol ..

    Works for me !


  13. Yea i agree listen to music and throw away all the unnecessary stuff.

  14. Music. I can never tidy without music! I love jst singing along it distracts me! lol

  15. Well the first thing i do, as i am only off on a Friday is, i put my MP3 player on ok?? Then i either change or make my bed, depends on how dirty it is. Then i pile everything onto my bed thats lying around.I start with  polishing  the furniture as all the clutter that was lying around on the dressing table etc.... is on the bed ok?? I then  hoover the floor so that at least you can move around and everything is on the bed. Then i start sorting out. Everything that needs to go in the laundry basket, put that in, and then sttart sorting the rest out, and then when you have finished, you not only have a clean, tidy bed and floor/dressing table etc.......... but your clutter has all gone as well. Try it and the music is therapeutic as well, so it will give you a burst of energy.

    Good luck clearing your clutter.

    If your still finding it tough go to

  16. Get a friend to phone the police anonymously saying you have stolen property/ dead bodies/ drugs/ guns etc hidden in your room....Once they have raided your room and found out it was a false tip off, you can then demand they put everything back neat and tidy.

  17. Music, friend/s, coffee and prepare 1st (get a garbage bag or two ready, a duster or dust cloth, windex, paper towells, box for charity, empty hamper for clothes etc) and take a pic before to give you something to aspire to! Worked wonders for me when I did my garage, wouldn't stop until it looked 100% better than the pic!

  18. do it to music.

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