
How to make use of Carbon monoxide???

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Carbon monoxide emissions from vehicles, forest fires, and other things is a huge problem to our ozone layer. Since we won't stop driving our vehicles anytime soon, why not make use of it? What would be some cost-effective ways to somehow make use of the carbon dioxide we emit.




  1. Carbon monoxide is oxidized to Carbon dioxide by the catalytic converters of vehicles..

    Carbon monoxide is a very dangerous poisonous gas that will kill you if you are exposed to any significant quantity of the gas.

    Carbon dioxide is expensive to extract from the atmosphere and from car exhaust. It is better to prevent the production of carbon dioxide in the first place rather than try to capture it after it is produced.

  2. hmm.

    carbon monoxide has never been proven to harm the ozone.

    carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are two different chemicals.

    go back to "church" and study some more before you start proselytizing

  3. An idea i've repeated many times on yahoo in general can use CO to make a possible rocket.

  4. Carbon MONOXIDE is a poisonous gas that comes out of car exhaust. It can be burned to make carbon dioxide.

    Carbon DIOXIDE is a harmless, nonpoisonous gas that is emitted when carbon is burnt. Carbon dioxide is blamed for global warming.

    Car exhaust is 70% nitrogen

    12% water

    8% carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.

    The rest is nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons which cause ground level ozone, ground level ozone is terrible for your health. Up in the sky, ozone is great.

    There are algae farms where they have what looks like ziplock bags that extend for hundreds of feet and they fill them with algae and water and pump carbon dioxide into them. The algae is made into biofuels.

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