
How to make your bedroom reflect your personality?

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I like my bedroom, my walls are filled with posters and pictures and the floor is clean and everything has it's place but my bedroom doesnt reflect who I am really. And I never thought about it until I went over to a friends house and saw that his bedroom was like walking into his mind. Like instantly you knew that this was his room that this was his own little place. When I got home I went to my room and asked myself why my room didn't reflect me. And I room is filled with a lot of junk I did for school. Not really things I liked but things I got A's on and thought it would be neat to hang up. I'm planning on re-doing my room..but I really don't know how to reflect myself onto my bedroom walls. Any help? I'm kind of a music snob and movie buff but I only have like 3 posters I plan on keeping. Any ideas or help?




  1. Play with fun fabrics, when I was your age I took heat safe white lights and hung them on my ceiling, and made a patchwork quilt by buying funky chunks of different patterns and then tacking them up on top of the lights. It looked very cool :)

    Also take pictures of what you love and frame them in neat frames. Collages are always fun 2. Just be carefree... you can't go wrong!

  2. Well, my room is very calm which suits me. It's very laid back.

    My walls are a greenish/brown/yellow color, but darker and a more calm shade. I have a tall light brown dresser, and my bed is the same color and they both compliment the wall color.  

  3. If you're a hippie go with colours like purple and blue. Put up stuff of you and your friends on the wall. Or if you luv pets then put up posters of pets! Put a radio on the shelf and stack some of your albums and cd's. So whenever you come in you can turn on a little bit of music. If you adore movies get a dvd stand and pile up your fave movies! If you like to keep organised put up a calendar or a day planner! Keep your pencils in their cases! Personality is based on hobbies and what you like! Hope i helped!

  4. you could try doing a little decoupage with sheet music on a small chest or table that you don't mind covering up. (but PLEASE use copies of the music, and not actual sheet...i'm nostalgic about real, old sheet music!) you can stain the paper with tea to make it look old, if you like. when it's dry, protect your work with a clear, non-yellowing varnish (either matte, satin, or glossy, depending upon your taste.)

    as for the school accomplishments, why not put them in a scrapbook. if it's art, frame it.  

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