
How to make your b***s bigger without any surgery or proucts?

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in other words in natrural way? plz help me coz i really need big b***s as my boyfriend hates small b***s and i really love him plz help me n im 17 now....




  1. There's no medicine or cure that's natural

  2. Listen.. u dnt need big b***s to imress ur bloke. If he doesnt like him then hes obviously not worth it. I dnt actually think u can make ur b***s grow with out having surgery. But i would just say to him tbis is how iam take me as i come or get stuffed!!

  3. The only guaranteed method of enhancing breast size without surgery is hormones.

  4. Dump the shallow boyfriend.  If he really cared about you, he wouldn't care what size your b*****s are!

    The answer is no.

  5. You can't do anything besides surgery, or you can gain a bunch of weight.  your bf should love you the way you are.  If he is gonna leave you because of your b*****s, **** that guy.  I'd kick his *** for you if you want me to, because he would deserve it.

  6. Discover natural breast development recommendations below

  7. There is nothing that you can do naturally. If your befriend doesn't accept the way you look than he is not worth keeping. The size of your b***s shouldn't affect your relationship.

    Hope this Helps!

  8. if he loves u he wnt care wat u look like so i guess you'll find out if he loves u

  9. You need a new boyfriend if he can't love you the way you are now.  DO NOT change for him!

    What size height and weight are you?

    The ONLY ways are get fat, get pregnant, or get surgery.  Pills/herbs/creams DO NOT WORK!

    Tell your b/f that you'll get bigger b*****s when he gets a p***s implant.

    You should not be wanting big b*****s for him, he should be loving you how you are now.  PLENTY of guys LOVE small b*****s.

    Go out and find a GOOD man, who loves you for who you look like NOW.

  10. There is nothing you can do short of gaining a lot of weight.  Weight gain can cause your b*****s to grow but I'm sure your boyfriend isn't a fan of that either.  Just be yourself.  If he isn't into you the way you are, find someone that is.  You can love him all you want but if he isn't happy with you because of your b*****s that means he doesn't love you.  

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