
How to make your hips look smaller?

by  |  earlier

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I am really tall, and im pretty thin. im ok with that. but, i have really big hips, i went from last year: size 0 long in jeans to now i can even fit in a 2 long. i just need some ways to make my hips look smaller. exercize diets? etc.

i know you may think that a size 2 is pretty small, but i am a model and my agencies said that if i want to do runway i have to be a 0 again,

please dont tell me that its not healthy or anything, i just need to know how to get my hips smaller.





  1. If the FAT on your hips is making them look big then you just need to exercise (running, biking, swimming) and eat well to make that disappear. However, if the BONE on your hips is making them look big then there's nothing that you can do about it. ALL women, as they go through puberty, experience bone growth/expansion in the hip area. It's so that we can carry babies when the time comes.

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