
How to make your life success...?

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How to make your life success...?




  1. Well my child, there are a few things you must do to be successful.  May I start you on the path to enlightenment?

    • You must realize that success is not in how much you earn, how much you have, or how popular you are.  These are only artificial entrapments, that will detour you off the path

    • Success will be found when you are happy with who & what you are & what you've become.  When you are at peace with the world around you.  This will be known also as having reached a higher form of consciousness.

    • If you are to travel the path, you must also be a person of principle, of humility, of character, of empathy, of caring about others.  Self-centered, unfeeling people who believe it's all about them will never reach nirvana.  

    • Further, you will have to undergo long periods of introspection to examine your thoughts, to rid the egoistic behaviors you've developed, to fully examine if you can commit to staying on the path.  These things are most difficult for many.

    • Be wary of those who try to allay you.  Those with negative attitudes will drag you down like an anchor.  

    • Lastly, embrace the 5 rules of happiness >>

       • Harbor no hatred in you heart

       • Rid your mind of bitterness, worry, & whatever else is causing you to feel badly about yourself & others.

        Ã¢Â€Â¢ Live simply

        Ã¢Â€Â¢ Give more

        Ã¢Â€Â¢ Expect less

    Many are called, but few will ever achieve the goal of success.

  2. Could you be a bit more vague please....

  3. in everything you do from digging a ditch to running the country do the best you can do and treat others with respect

  4. Positive thoughts.

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