
How to make your mom let you shave?

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How to make your mom let you shave?




  1. I had the same problem I had to keep asking my mom and then I stopped asking her and she let me shave.

    Prove to her you need to shave! If that doesn't work make a deal like when you hit a certain grade you get to shave

    Hope I helped!

  2. Be nice about it and speak to her from the heart. My mom was also worried because once you start shaving you are a slave for life but in the end, she's only postponing the inevitable.

    Tell her you are embarrassed, be honest about how you feel.  Ask her to put herself in your place, how would she feel as a woman walking around in a dress with hairy legs?  I think that if you are able to make her really put herself in the situation she will have no choice but to let you.  The keyyyy is being nice. Don't get into an argument with her, have your conversation come from the heart. Tell her you would rather do it with her help and supervision than behind her back.

    If your mom doesn't want you using a razor you can suggest an electric shaver, they sell them for girls and work just as well (if not even better).

    I hope this helps. Good luck, and don't worry... most of us go through this.  

  3. first of all how old are?  if you're mom's not letting you shave it might be because of your age, and she's scared you might go off and wear short skirts.  if you're old enough (I say 13, 14 entering into high school)  then you promise that it's only for gym class because you feel embarrassed, while all the other girls are doing it, and then you go from there

  4. u dont make mom do anything! u ask! how old r u?

  5. honey

    tell her ur to hairy and need to shave. if she says no say uh uh be-otch im shaving

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