
How to make your stomach look flatter in 5 days?

by  |  earlier

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I am 13 yrs old and around 165 cm tall. I weight 63 kg and i want to make my stomach look flatter in 5 days. I jog around my neighborhood and i do 50 crunches, 50 bicycles, 30 pushes around 3 times a day. I want to look thinner in 5 days,would you help me and spare the crash deits? i would also want to noe when my situps etc will give me a pack? how long?




  1. No chance.

  2. You can slice your stomach with a machete. That can be done in a single day

  3. im trying out this thing called tae bo. its this workout video thingy. i heard it really works. umm sit ups take a h**l of a long time to give u a pack. i dont know how long it will take though.

  4. im a freshman cheerleader, and our team went to this weekend camp in London, Ontario. Our coaches put us in a boot camp which was an hour everyday...and all we did was abb workouts for an hour... they said that if we do this everyday for and hour, in about 1-2 weeks we should have full here is what he had to do.. and its been a week since we've been back and i can already see my results...;

    1. do 10 crunches then relax for 30sec. (repeat 10 times)

    2. do 10 pushups then relax for 30sec.(repeat 10 times)

    3. do 10 v-snaps[its when you lay flat on ur back and you bring your legs to your chest] relax for 30sec (repeat 10 times)

    4. do the plank for 1minute  relax for 30sec (repeat 10 times)

    5. do 10 burbies relax for 30sec. (repeat 10 times)

    6. do 10 sit ups then relax for 30sec. (repeat 10 times)

    7. lay on your back with hands to your side, now lift your back up off the ground(not to much) and one by one take your right arm and slide is down as you drop your right sholder( that was 1) now do the left side( thats 2) and do 20 of them... relax for 10sec. (repeat 10 times)

    extra: while doing your sit ups change it up a bit, like when you are going up twist your body from left to right.

    and you can always go for a 45min-1hour run to keep your endurance up

    hope this helps you out... i know it helps me and i was able to avoid all the crash diets

  5. It sounds like you're basically doing all you can exercise-wise to get your desired results.  Be advised that if you're looking to lose weight off your stomach, concentrate more on cardio and fat burning than muscle building, since all crunches will do is make your other parts bulge out even more.

    There's not much that can be done in 5 days without risking harm on your body or crashing.  But a couple things I've noticed in my own experience:

    1) Don't drink soda.  Anything carbonated takes up more room in your stomach, making it expand.

    2) Eat smaller meals.  Same reason as above.  The more you shove in at a time, the bigger the bulge.  Eat 4-5 smaller meals a day instead of 2/3 big ones.

    3) Eat early, don't eat late.  Breakfast is really the most important meal, so get some calories into your tummy early to start your body burning them early.  But do NOT eat after 7pm.  You want your body to be able to burn what's left of your day's calories while you sleep, instead of packing a ton more in there last minute, where you wake up feeling bloated.

    4) Get plenty of sleep.  Morning tummy is a blessing.  Get at least 8-9 hours of sleep per night, giving your body a chance to relax all the muscles and "stretch out", making you look slightly slimmer in the morning.

    That's all I've got.  I have yet to get a six pack, so I can't give much advice on that one.  But six packs aren't hip any more anyway.  Probably more trouble getting one than they're worth.

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