
How to make your teeth whiter apart from brushing normally?

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How to make your teeth whiter apart from brushing normally?




  1. Brush with baking soda, also gargle with diluted hydrogen peroxide solution.

  2. whitening strips

  3. Unfortunately you will get disappointing results with shop-bought whitening kits, as they are not allowed to use a high volume of bleaching agent. Only a professional whitening treatment from your dentist is going to get you noticeable results.

    Your dentist can make you a special tray that you fill with whitening gel and wear for half an hour per day, which can lighten your teeth around 3-4 shades lighter than your natural tooth colour. This costs around £400. Or you can try laser whitening which will be an instant result and a few more shades lighter for around £800.

    (I am in the UK - not sure about cost in the U.S)

  4. when you're eating strawberries rub them on your teeth, but not just on the front ones that makes the front ones sparkling and the back ones............ not so much

  5. Use a good toothpaste, then straight after use Pearl Drops (not too expensive - come in a triangular tube. You can get them from any supermarket) and then use a good mouthwash. Dentyl is good...I think that's the name. The bottle looks like it has two volours inside (blue and purple) and you shake it to activate it. When you spit it out all the debris comes with it.

    Listerine is also good but it burns like h**l, especially after using pearl drops.

    This is what I do and people always tell me I have white teeth :D

  6. Most of the food you chew is between your teeth so focus more on that to make it more cleaner.Don't use whiting strips.Brush at least two times per day but three times is a lot better.Use mouthwash to keep your mouth fresh.It helps to use mouthwash.Listerine is best.You have to focus on the bad breath and the food in between your teeth too to get your teeth whiter.Don't chew gum cause it just destroys your teeth.I know some gums say reccomended from the ADA but don't believe it.Gum won't make your teeth whiter no matter what they say.If you follow my steps your teeth will be whiter.Maybe not entirely but if you keep doing it will look the way you want it.

    Good luck!

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