
How to manage children when they dont listen to you for education ?

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How to manage children to make them understand education is necessary for their better life.




  1. Try to make a friend ship with good children and tell some good advice about the education how education is important to our life and how education lead our life. tell some life history of educated people like Gandhi and some others.

  2. Usually, when children are not listening to an adult about "education," the fault lies with the way the child is being "educated."

    When learning is relevant to a student's life, he wants to learn.

  3. what I have learned in life & around. SPARE THE ROD AND SPOIL THE CHILD.

    If you dont strike, hit them, they will not learn. Later they will blame you for not hitting them & not disciplining them when they were young & thats why they are loafers now.

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