
How to manage your life?

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PLEASE tell me.. In your freshman year of college living on campus how do you manage friends, school, boyfriend, money, working out/eating right, and everything??




  1. You know in your first year of college it can be hard. Now that you are on your own its kinda like you can do whatever you want. However I have seen first hand that those who think that way end up failing big time. So make sure that when you are managing things that your studying is always #1.

    If you are living on a tight budget and you may be working at a local resturant try not to eat out as much, try to get some microwavable meals that you enjoy and that will save you money. Also boyfriend is going to have to see because if he is wanting you to go spend your money and go out all the time and stay out late what time do you have for shool.

    My major recommendation is to put school first. I had a lot of friends that went to college and partied and did everything but study and they are 25 living in their parents basement making rent payments to them. This is not were you should be in yoru mid twenties. So study first and if you have to drop some of the others then do it. It will help you in the long run.  

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