
How to manipulate people into arguing?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering how you manipulate 2 people into argueing with each other, with out them relising it. But it doesn't matter if they do, just how to get two people into argueing.




  1. watch Rex in the big brother house for ideas.

  2. make one of them promise not say say anything then say the other one said so and so about the other then do the same to the other  

  3. 1. get a democrat and a republican in the same room and anti-choice int he same room

    3. a atheist and a christian

    just find out what opinions that differ from both people. trust me, they're bound to have a difference.most of those groups are too big headed to realize they are arguing. it's common language for them.

  4. Pick the issue that sets the person off. It could be religion, or politics, or something that hits a nerve for that person.  It could be about football teams, or nascar drivers, or music groups.  I guess if you watch people long enough, you will figure out how to push their buttons.  The war, health issues, hot topics.  You should watch those women on the View, they go crazy every morning, and they are something at pushing people's buttons.  They are a good example of that.

  5. People only argue over things with emotional attachment.  You have to identify a topic that both parties feel emotional over, but have opposing viewpoints and then start talking neutrally on that topic.

    ie.  Mention the upcoming elections to two friends, one a rabid democrat and the other a confirmed republican.

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