
How to manipulate women?

by  |  earlier

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How can I manipulate a chick for anything, in general.




  1. mm.. get a remote control

  2. You don't have a clue kid.

    Get out of the manipulation game before you go home crying to mommy.

    Develop actual worth and personality.  That is how I met my girlfriend, and I have no regrets.  Any girl you try to get with manipulation won't last long, because the thing with manipulation is-it's easy to turn around and bite you in your posterior.

    That is why I quit using manipulation like that.  What you get won't be worth it, and will likely backfire.

    Yours will be a embattled, chaotic life if you don't stop now.  It's not worth it kid.

  3. I wouldn't recommend it just because there's a lot of women who are awfully strong and can beat the h**l out of me, so I'd rather run for the hills than fight them.  I'd rather fight Brian Urlacher #54 of the bears than some of the ladies in the local tavern.  I'd pay $88 US simply to avoid having some of these ladies wish to fight me because they'll probably snuff me out, so it's probably best to avoid this sort of thing for your own well-being.

  4. Hypnotism seems to work, or you could always try Voodoo. LOL

  5. do what you like, you will grow out of it eventually. And yes women and men are very easy to manipulate, it can be quite a rush to do. It takes maturity to NOT do it.

  6. I'm a woman and I believe you're right; it can be done.  I've heard of stories about it being put to action. I'm an open-minded person so I took a look at your link.  Anyways; I know of a case like this.  This man wanted to date this woman; only she wanted nothing to do with him; he was persistent; right at the very last minute, as he had planned, he threw in his best piece of ammo.  He told her that he was loaded, and he was.  Well, needless to say that got her.  Eventually, down the road they got married. So, the game progressed where he convinced her that she was something she was not.  He did this by letting people see that she was what he wanted her to believe she was; when in reality he was pulling the wool not only over her eyes, but every one else's eyes, as well.  A cruel, but very neat set-up.  You do realize that some are resistant to what you are doing.

    So, as cruel as it sounds; it is cruel, what you're speaking is reality.

  7. don't let on you like them, play hard to get, make them work for it and they will appreciate the win much more than if they thought they could just have you any time they want.

    Talk bad about thier other friends, they don't like you etc etc, other guys are no good losers. crush thier self esteem, tell them they're no good and you are the best they can get (they do it to me),  

  8. My're not a troll, are you?

    How about even having a woman in the first place?

    Bah! It is an unreasonable question. Manipulation is a b*****d's trick.

  9. Yeah, well have fun. When the women you are persuing get older and wiser your gonna be one lonley dude.

  10. Go to "Mental Health" category

  11. It is sad if you need to do it

  12. You probably don't want to do that.

  13. So basically... you're a liar.

    Good luck with that, try not to look too suprised when it bites you in the a$$.

  14. Stop trying to manipulate women - we're not here to be manipulated by you or anyone else - by the way Jana isn't a hypocrite - you ARE being horrible when you're manipulating others - remember the saying -"What goes around comes around" - if you manipulate others, someone will come along and manipulate YOU one day!! You wouldn't like that, would you? So why assume that others like you doing it to them?

    If you don't want to end up lonely, bitter and twisted, then STOP this game before it goes too far.

  15. All are vulnerable to such games.

    And you are too.

    Be careful - you may yet fall to nastier ones.

  16. What an awful idea, women aren't there to be manipulated and used.

    Try witholding s*x, it works, withhold and then lavish it on then withold again, but don't be cruel or unkind.

    BTW you'll meet your match one day buddy.

  17. It's a game in your mind, not for civil people though. Sorry but not everyone just wants to go through their whole life pretending, you do what you want it's going to be on you and no-one else.

    Manipulation and lies they are for the weak minded people, if you can't tell it like it is and think rationally; that is not anyone else's fault. Dime a dozen, you and so many others. There is no justification, just a means to an end.  

  18. If you need to manipulate women at age 18 then pity help you.

  19. Blackmail always helps. Dig up some dirt on one that could really ruin her life if it leaked out. Get enough of these dirty little secrets and she's going to be your hoe for a very long time.

  20. the bible on manipulation of ANYONE is The 48 Laws of Power

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