
How to master a left-handed basketball layup??

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its challenging




  1. aside from practice, practice, practice.   start doing a lot of things with your left hand. like eating left handed (holding the fork), brushing your teeth, and i know it's a stretch but maybe simple writing (check marks, underlining, highlighting).  the key is to start small and get your left hand coordination up to par with your right hand.  also try dribbling a lot with your left hand.  before you know it, everything (including your left handed layups) will be easier.

  2. I've been trying too, No answers for you.

  3. Start at the half court line on the left side.

    Dribble slowly down the lane with your left hand.

    Just prior to reaching the baseline, turn toward the basket, take the ball with both hands and take your layup steps.

    Take the ball in your left hand in the air, just before you shoot.

    Lay the ball up against the backboard.


    If you don't need to dribble at the start, simply walk and shoot.

    Usually, it only takes a few minutes to become fairly comfortable at the left hand release begin to speed up only taking three or fewer steps to the basket.

    Try taking off with your right leg when shooting a left handed shot and vice versa. It is quite a challenge.

  4. Well, I used to have your problem along with many people. But I went to the Miami Heat basketball camp and got that taken care of. To improve your skills with your left hand you must make it stronger. Almost as strong as your right hand. To make it stronger just do normal everyday things with your left hand. (for example) Washing the dishes, eating, lifting household items, and even changing the channel on your tv. And once your arm is stronger you can start dribbling with your left hand and just keep practicing with your left hand and take maybe 70-100 left-handed layups daily. Practice makes Permanent. Oh and when your going up for a left hand layup go up with your left leg

  5. ok for me doing a left handed layup is getting easier.... if ur right handed.. then u have to master the right handed layup.... so if uve done that try the left side with ur left hand and try to do the same style youve done with with the right.....

    right hand up+ right knee up= right handed layup

    left hand up+ lefr knee up= left handed layup

    this is wat i do. hope it helps =)

  6. it is challenging i am a 7th grader and i have mastered the art of t6he left layup. now there are 2 ways. You can either try to just practice practice practice. or you can lower the the hop and master them on feet 7 thru 9. then try ten. its a weird way but i works i am a righty but now i go more left than right

  7. well im getting better and this helps me alot. first dont jump in and start with the running, pace yourself and just use your left-hand and shoot on the left side of the basket. do this 100 times a day. once you get good at that you can start walking/running. when you do put your right hand behind your back. **REMEMBER** when you are doing a layup with eathier hand kick your knee up as high as it can. This is helping me alot
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