
How to measure i)stock volatility and ii) stock liquidity?

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what are the techniques,formulae and indicators to use?





  1. Beta is to compare the Volatility w.r.t to the underlying Index (like Sensex or NSE). It does not reflect a stocks volatility

    A Stock's volatility (i.e price change) is best measured by its Standard Deviation over a period of time

    A practical way to calculate this can be found at

    [You can find this any statistics book]

    Stock Liquidity :  can be measured  by the Stocks Volume (buying and selling). If the share has a high daily volume then the stock is considered to be liquid because you are more likely to find a buyer to sell your stock .

  2. with beta 1 + and beta 1 - with x mark

  3. Beta shows how its moving with respect to the market. 1.5 beta means its 50% more volatile than the market.

  4. The Indian Volatility Index is derived based on the following :

    Time to expiration,

    Forward index level that is derived from option prices,

    Strike price of the out of money option

    Interval b/w the strike prices

    First strike below the forward index level

    Risk free interest to expiration and

    The midpoint of the bid-ask spread for each option

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