
How to meet people that like to go out on weekends?

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My weekends are so boring!!! I don't have many friends because I am rather shy, but I do enjoy going out to bars and clubs, but haven't done so in such a long time due to not knowing people that want to go. I would love to unwind after a long week at work, rather than sit at home doing nothing.

None of my friends are interested in these things.

I'm a twenty-something male out of university, so I just don't know how and where I can meet like-minded people. :(




  1. people are not going to talk to you or hang out if you stay home all day. Go out , travel and explore!!

  2. i struggle with this too and to me answers like "oh just go out to a club or bar by yourself and try to talking to people there" were not helpful to me. i find the thought rather rediculous actually. i know if i were out at a club with a group of girlfriends and a random girl by herself walked up to us and tried to start talking to us and tell us she came alone, i'm sure we would honestly think she was a little odd and it would be a story we'd talk about the next morning. besides that, of all the people i do know that like to go out... none of them made their friends by going to bars and clubs alone trying to meet people. i just graduated college and this is one reason i actually fear of moving somewhere new. i'm afraid i'll live in a new big city, by myself, with a new job,,, but that no one at my job will be my age or be into going out then i ask myself if that were the case, how the h**l am i going to go about making new friends. stalk people at a local fitness center or grocery store?

    in my opinion, you need to at least have a partner. i found this out in college... all you really have to meet is one person that likes going out. you go out with them, chances are if they like to go out, they know a lot of people. so when you're out with them you'll meet a lot of their friends. and these people you meet won't think you're strange or awkward because you're not creeping alone, you're being introduced by someone they already accept as a friend :)

    is there anyone at work that likes going out? good luck! and if you have success, let me know how you came about it!

  3. Is it a search question?

  4. go where you would like to to and when you would like to go there..  then talk to those people who are there and you have met folks who like to go the same places at the same times that you do!

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