
How to move on and not think about your exs? (s) i've had two within 6 months, how to lwt go and move on?

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How to get over you exs? well I broke up with my old boyfriend who I dated for 4 years, to date someone else who broke my heart. How to move on and not think about them both. it maybe a dumb question, but for someone you loved for so Long it's hard to move on and not keep them in the back if your mind. I need some words of wisdom.





  1. the problem is you dont want an answer.

    sounds like you need to have a guy in your life.   learn to get over that first.  then we can talk.


  2. dun wori, its not a dumb ques or anything..

    it happens to almost everyone who falls in love and breaks up..

    k firstly, CHEER UP!!

    try 2 be happy 4 who u r.. Its not lyk as though u will forever not get guys or anythin.. take it as though the "perfect" guy is comin 4 u!!

    try avoidin ppl who discourage u..

    sometimes if u really feel depressed, try these they really work.

    1) listen to music

    2) go for a slow walk or run

    3) meditation

    4) journaling

    5) breathing( i mean 2 breathe in slowly and releasing out slowly)

    6) eat a balanced diet

    7) and most importantly... laughter!!

    * try hanging out with friends cause they will help u laugh..

    u can try doing meditation with ur frens as a group and all.

    i mean thats what friends r 4!!!


    so well then, i hope that this really helps you!!

    good luck... :)

  3. Make a list of all the bad qualities your ex boyfriends had; you will soon find out that you will eventually find the guys of your dreams.

    I know what it is like, I spent nights crying, but i knew that i will eventually find the guy who is everything i want and i cant let those feelings hold me back.


  4. date someone else just know that they are a rebound

  5. Forgive and forget that is what i would say just forget about it take some time to relax and then find someone else who you think you can be with and won't break your heart keep strong and go on with your life that you live there will be someone out there that you can rely on and trust don't give up girl keep strong and proud  

  6. Think about all the bad things in the relationship instead of the good.

    Get out there and find other guys. Flirt with people. Spend more time with your friends and family, And make sure you get rid of all the close things that remind u of them.

  7. Leave the past behind, take all the wonderful & marvwelous things you learned from the relation ship with your ex bf (4 years) and use that to grow and become an awesome human beign. Start everyday by saying new beginning, new start and use all that to grow.

    The pain will still be there but soon you will be able to let them go and you will have turned in to an awesome girl. Sometimes the heart ache is worth more than the butterflies of beign in love.

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