
How to move one when a friendship ends?

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I feel a lot of pain and rejection now that my friendship of several years has ended (on bad terms). I won't go into details, but I'll say that we both made some mistakes. I reached out, swallowed my pride, and apologized.. but she did not reciprocate.

I'm disappointed, frustrated, and sad. Even though she wasn't a wonderful friend (I was there for her more than she was for me), I still feel a deep loss. How can I cope with the loss of a frienship? How have you coped?




  1. honey the same thing happen to me and my ex best friend!! it hurted me alot cuz we where friends for 13 yrs but i just tried my best not to think about her! and i showed her that i didnt want nothing to do with her and for like 4 mths str8 we didnt talk but she finally came to me and said she couldnt take it no more and that she was sorry! anyways wat im trying to say is just be patient and she will come to you!! i know it hurts but hang in there ! this is just going to make ur friendship stronger once you get through this!!

  2. Ironically just a few hours ago i also ended a friendship of one year with a girl. I will go into details, basically she was sleeping with 2 other guys, technically she was not my girlfriend but she never would tell me "she got around". I was a faithful friend that was always there for her whereas it seemed that she was just using me for companionship, tudoring,dinners, etc when the other boys were out of town & when they came back she would ignore me for months & i got the hint that she was a fake friend, i would call her & she would tell me her phone wouldent work, basically an all around bad person that turned her back on me. Don't feel bad because truly good friends are hard to find. Like the ole saying goes "Bad friends are like ballons once you let them go they will be gone forever" True friends will last a lifetime. Family is always ones best friend. Cope by spending time with your loved ones & getting out & meeting new people. Time will heal our loss & we will soon meet someone that will be there for us as much as we will be there for them.

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