
How to not be a loser?

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  1. Just start talking to a bunch of different people get out of your comfort zone.

  2. beauty is in the eye of the beholder and so is everything else pretty much. so just change your crowd. there's tons of people out in the world who would love to meet you. but most importantly its what you think of yourself. everyone is entitled to their own opinion and there are haters everywhere but if you define yourself and stay true to the person you know and love they aren't a factor. be yourself.

  3. I think the first step to not being a loser is to accept responsibility for your life and to know yourself. Become self aware.

    This is how I would define a loser. Someone that just acts like he or she couldn't care. They are immature well into adulthood, drink too excess and do drugs without regard to the consequences to others. Blame others for things that they do such as driving drunk. Have children with multiple women or men and don't bother to be parents to them. Leave them wherever and don't think of their future.

    I think if you are thoughtful, caring, and considerate as well as mature then you will never be a loser, at least not in my view, for whatever that is worth.

    edit: If kids are calling you a loser then consider the source. Kids are not losers. Blame the parents to an extent. They are responsible or supposed to be.

    Good hygiene? Do you make an effort to look presentable?

    Do you make an effort to be a good student? Do you get involved in school activities? Do you care?

    It sounds like you do so I wouldn't worry. Some kids are just jealous and mean. They are the losers because all kids have insecurities, are still learning, growing, and no one has it all figured out, especially at your age. Smile and stay positive. I believe you will go far.

  4. huh?

  5. It's too hard to say and get an exact answer! I personally suggest you refer to the "Ask April Dating Tips" on ---http:// for more good advice for your question.

  6. just try talking to different people.. hope everything works out.

  7. Don't try too hard to fit in with any group of people. Just be yourself. Be true to yourself and others. If people perceive you as a loser still, then they're obviously very shallow people, making them the losers, not you.  

  8. Well you aren't so that parts easy, the hard part is other people. Can't change them :/

  9. i have 1 answer for you

    say yes i m a loser so

    if the bully ( or person )

    tease you again just ignore the bully ( the person )

    thats my answer

    i hope i'd help

  10. Who calls you a loser and why do you think they do?

  11. Hmmm... that was a TERRIBLE way of putting the question...

  12. ok, ok, it'll be all right

    trash all of your trivium and hatebreed tee shirts

    stop pretending you're drunk when you're not (and just dont smoke at all)

    quit oggling girls you have never met

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