
How to not be depressed?

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I am 41 weeks pregnant and my answering manchine everyday has a million messages THAT BABY IS NOT HERE YET, GOD YOUR DAUGHTER IS STUBBORN OR WHAT IS WRONG Yesterday I know my husband didn't mean it mean but he said what is wrong with you that you cant push her out I really want to see my daughter. I know i am pregnant but my feelings are really starting to get hurt I don't know why peoploe are saying these things and I don't know what is wrong that she is not coming out. The doctor said I am 1 cem and long and she dosent want to induce me she wants me to try for a nautural deliverly. I am starting to get beyond sad and I don't know how to keep my spirits up I had two false alarms i thought my water broke but it was heavy discharge and I just want to sit and cry plus I feel a sharp pain in my leg that causes me to feel uncomfortable when I walk and the doctor said there is nothing to do for it. People tell me to have s*x but I feel so much pressure it is very uncomfortable.The baby is moving a lot and I keep having contractions that really hurt this sucks is there anything I can do. Did I do anything that my body is not responding? Is there something I can do my doc is set on the natural delivery. I feel like I am falling into depression and I don’t want to be around anyone not even my husband.




  1. I am not a woman and I cant really say that I can relate to how you feel, as I am not a woman. I can say, my son was way over due , they finally induced labor. I watched this woman drink a whole bottle of castol oil (it came right out the other end, lol but she never went into labor, I got a good laugh though) As far as s*x goes , she wanted it constantly (I loved her being pregnant)

    To avoid the depression , stand in front of the mirror and just realize how beautiful you are ( yes I think pregnant woman are d**n s**y, some say I am weird)

    Just relax and for heaven sakes quit putting so much pressure on yourself

  2. Well s*x is a great way to get things rolling but given that it is uncomfortable for you that's not a great option.  Another way is go go for a brisk walk up a hill for about 10 minutes.  Take a really warm bath to help relax your muscles.  That baby of yours will be out very soon.  Everyone is just anxious.  And it's okay for you to be annoyed about it.

  3. A watched pot never boils.

    Does your Doc know about your depression, though?

    I would just forget about the whole thing and!

  4. Don't give up hope! Pray about it and know that many others have gone though what you are going through right now.  Just think about what those first moments will be like meeting your daughter. Once she arrives it will all be worth it!!

    On a side note I would talk to your doctor about how you are feeling. Stressing yourself stresses the baby. Prehaps inducing could be an option....I had a scheduled induction date and my son showed up just two days before.

  5. I'm sorry - people can be so insensitive and stupid to pregnant women even when they are mothers themselves. I went full term and had the same things happen. I just wanted to punch everyone.

    You will have the baby eventually. For now just don't answer the phone and get plenty of rest. There is nothing wrong with you - your doctor should be a good judge of that as he probably delivers many many babies each year. It is normal to feel anxious and upset during those final days but just take plenty of time for yourself and you will forget a lot of the stupid things people said once you have a little baby to snuggle.

    Good luck and God bless!

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