
How to now the what is the value of the policy after 3 years & how claim the refund amt if not interested...?

by  |  earlier

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How to now the what is the value of the policy after 3 years & how claim the refund amt if not interested...?




  1. Your question is vague and not able to understand what you want.

    If you are talking about LIC policy, then goto their site and register yourself as customer and enroll the policy details. Then you will be able to see the status of the policy, loan value , surrender value, premium last paid, bonus accrued etc. details.

    good luck

  2. You may approach your servicing branch for this information. In traditional policies it is usually 30%  + bonuses if any. In ULIPs it is calculated on NAV i.e. No of units in your account X the day's NAV(Net Asset Value). In either case the branch will provide you a statement on demand.

    After completion of the mandatory 3 years  (in most cases) you may make an applicaton for surrender alongwith policy bond and duly signed discharge slip.

  3. you can approch the branch office.

    looking at the charges charged by insrance company & recent down fall in market, you should be prepared to see that you are even not able to recover the invested amount.

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