
How to obtain a category B+E license?

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I already have a full, clean category B driving license, but I may need a cat B+E license for a new job. What is required to obtain a cat B+E license and how do I go about it?




  1. Hi - please visit:

    Extract from above:

    The car and trailer test (B+E) is based on the lorry driving test and lasts for approximately one hour. Please note that B+E tests are conducted at vocational (bus and lorry) driving test centres.

    Also please visit:

    This is an extract from the above link:

    Category B + E - car and trailer test vehicles must be

        * fitted with externally mounted, nearside and offside mirrors for use by the examiner or any person supervising the test

        * an unladen category B vehicle towing a suitably braked, unladen trailer of at least one tonne MAM. The examiner may ask for evidence of the trailer MAM, for example the manufacturer's plate

    All vehicle combinations must operate on appropriate brakes and utilise a coupling arrangement suitable for the weight.

    The cargo compartment of the trailer must consist of a closed box body which is at least as wide and as high as the towing vehicle; the view to the rear should only be possible by use of the external rear-view mirrors of the towing vehicle.

    Hope this helps :)

  2. Since the law was changed making Category B+E a separate test, many ordinary driving schools offer instruction to pass that test.

    There are a few L.G.V. and P.S.V. driving schools that will be able to help you as well.

    Check out your local Yellow Pages to see who offers instruction in your area.

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