
How to obtain pure, dry samples of sodium chloride and sand?

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What are the essential steps for this??

It's a 5 mark question for a Science (Chemistry) paper 13+ C.E.

Please can someone explain, thank you!!




  1. Ah ok.

    1 - Add water to the mixture.  This will dissolve the sodium chloride.

    2 - Run the mixture through a filter/screen that will catch the sand (there are different kinds of sand so he'd want to pick a filter that is the right size).

    3 - Repeat, to make sure that all the sand is caught.

    4 - Evaporate the water.

    You will be left with sand and salt, separated.

  2. 1. Buy some salt

    2. go to the beach and get some sand

    ... sorry, I think you need to be more specific about what mixtures, compounds, whatever you're starting off with to be able to determine what chemical reactions will give you your desired results.

  3. this was the first experiment i did in chem.


    1) you add water to the mixture, so that the salt dissolves ( do not add a lot of water otherwise it would take a lot of time to get the sample of NaCl).

    2) once dissolved, pass the solution through the filter paper, the residue collected on the filter paper is sand. this would have traces of water on it so keep it under the sun till it dries.

    3) the solution that passes throught the filter paper is salt and water. the salt can be obtained by two ways:

    * EVAPORATION TO DRYNESS; in this you put the solution in an evaporating dish and then the dish on the tripod stand over a bunsen burner and evaporate the solution until you get the solute (NaCl)

    * CRYSTALISATION (preferable); in this again you put the solution in an evaporating dish and over a bunsen burner. But the solution should be evaporated to 2/3rd of its original volume. After doing so let the remaining solution stand and the solute (NaCl) will crystalise out.

    GOOD LUCK ;)

  4. Go to the beach?

  5. 1. Add water to the mixture of salt and sand and let salt dissolve

    2. Filter the sand out from the liquid

    3. Evaporate the liquid by heating it up

    4. ???

    5. Profit!

  6. The sensible answers are more or less correct. It would be better to pass water through the filter paper to wash out the salt solution that is wetting the sand; otherwise the sand will be contaminated with a little salt when it dries.

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