
How to occupy kids indoors all day??

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Kids on holidays and its 40degrees outside. Enough outings what else can we do indoors?




  1. How old are they ?? Rent a few cartoon movies out and get the popcorns ready. They will be sitting quietly for atleast few hours.

  2. YOu don't say what age kids, so we have to assume little ones I guess.  

    Scissors, paste, construction paper and lots of old magazines.  Let them cut things out and paste them into collages.

  3. Coloring books

    Cook with them (have them pick out stuff that they want to make, and you measure and they stir)

    Read books

    Play with blocks

  4. alternate day-to-day household chores w/ can help sort laundry or put things in baskets, etc

  5. Play 100 video games.

  6. try children dvds they are exciting. also get them games such as ludo and snake and ladder. if they are too young for that try buying them picture puzzles, clays and paint to try out their design. make sure to get them something entertaining and constructive at the same time.

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